6. Nothing Would Ever Be The Same

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Audrey entered the dance studio the next weekend. She was supposed to teach the new routine that day. She gave a friendly smile to the new girls and introduced herself.

The girls replied, "I'm Beth."



Audrey nodded. "Now I know you feel that I'm just nineteen and I shouldn't be allowed to teach grown ups but I've been doing this for over a year every single week. I've auditioned and rightfully earned this position so I hope there's no bad blood here."

The three blondes shook their heads.

"Alright, well, to start off I'll tell you that this isn't a three group dance, it's a four."

"Who's the fourth girl?" Kara asked.

Audrey raised her hand.

"But you're.." Beth trailed off, hinting that she's too young to be a bar dancer.

"It's just a one time thing," Audrey said, "I've done it once before too and I really need the money. I have to go back home to my family for a while."

Vanessa needs me, was what she actually meant.

She tightened her ponytail and started stretching along with them. She knew she'd have to come every day next week to practice with them. She wasn't taking another's place this time, she has her own place. And that would mean the most tiring week - classes, book store and dance.

Yeah, she'd probably collapse at the end.

Much to Vanessa's surprise and relief, another week had gone by after her breakup. They didn't talk to each other, look at each other, point at each other or so much as acknowledge the presence of each other when they performed in a school function.

He got in trouble for standing them up but it wasn't enough for her. She wanted him to pay fairly and Karma was taking its own time.

She was happy to know that Audrey would be here soon. Vanessa didn't know how long she could contain herself in front of her broken family. Jake and Kylie were too young for this and even though Kristen and Paul tried not to let them know.. they knew. Every child knows when their parents have troubles.

The week for Vanessa was of gloominess and writing. For Audrey, she didn't have time to breathe.

When Friday morning rolled in, Audrey gulped down yet another coffee cup and walked to class.

Liam cheered her up a little with jokes, flirting and banters, but that was about it. Audrey never attached herself with boys. Something that Vanessa was now in particular, admiring and envying.

And then it came.

The night of the performance that changed Audrey's life.

Another event to go down in the domino effect which was started two weeks back when Vanessa and Luke broke up.

Audrey was helping Beth straighten out her blonde hair while Kara helped Lottie tie the strings on the back of her tight fitting golden dress.

There was a knock on the green room door and Tony walked in.

"Well, well, Audrey." He smirked.

"I know, I know." She rolled her eyes. "But I swear, this is the last time I'm performing here."

And she wasn't wrong; it indeed proved to be her last performance there.

"Sure thing, honey. Sure thing." Tony teased. "Anyway, you're all ready? The crowd is absolutely mad tonight! And the song you're doing is extra sensual and demanding. Stay focused, feel sexy like you all are, and own it up there. Red's gives nothing but the best."

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