7. Duty And Love

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Audrey happily counted the money Tony had given her before the performance. Her hectic week had paid off.

The teaching and performing fee together was enough to go back home for a good while and even give some cash to her mother.

She knew the real reason for Kristen's fall out with Paul was financial problems. Kristen sometimes thought of herself as cursed because only after their marriage, Paul's business went down.

Audrey hated the fact that her mother belittled herself.

She was submerged in such thoughts when a knock on the trailer door made her realise that she was alone. Beth, Lottie and Kara had already left the trailer.

She suspiciously opened the door, only a little. Drunk men filled with lust wasn't what she needed right now.


"Hello, my name is Kit Gessler. I saw your performance back there and I have to say, you're good."

Mason's father was alone outside, Audrey checked as she didn't know the man.

"Um, okay. Thank you."

Kit chuckled. "I can assure you I'm not here to take advantage of you."

"Anyone can say that but I appreciate that you understand." Audrey replied, keeping the chain on the door intact.

"Well," he cleared his throat, "I know it might seem fishy because there have been fraud cases and generally even I don't do this, it's unprofessional but I have no choice. I saw you just here."

"Excuse me?"

Kit extended his hand and Audrey saw him holding out his visiting card. "I work as an assistant to Aiden Forrester. You must have heard his name, he's a quite famous producer."

Audrey's heart rate quickened, she took the card and nodded.

"Aiden is helping in recruitment of new backup dancers for Monica Heart's world tour next year. I would like you to audition."

Monica Heart was one of the world's leading female artist.

"But I thought agencies provide backup dancers. I'm signed to none." Her voice was a little breathy but she knew she couldn't completely trust this stranger.

Kit smiled. "Not very updated with the current news, are you?"

"I am.." She lied. Between her jobs and classes, she rarely had time or interest in Hollywood gossips.

"False," Kit responded, "or you'd know that Monica has had some legal issues with the agency and is now holding auditions for casting. Aiden is a dear friend and volunteered to help."

Audrey studied the card and it seemed legit. She studied the man; he too, seemed legit.

"Why me?" She asked.

"I'm not finalising you. There are lots just like you, maybe even better. I just think, and I'm just an assistant, that you should audition. Rest is upon you." He shrugged.

"I-I'll think about it."

Kit nodded. "You can visit the website for details. Really won't want to hide your talent."

"Thanks, Mr.." She looked at the card. "..Gessler."

"Sure. May I know your name?"

She hesitated but then thought a name won't do much harm. "Audrey Pierce."

"Have a good night, Audrey." Kit said and turned around.

Audrey shut the door, locked it and took deep breaths. Her mind went to the possibilities of what all could happen if this guy was genuine. It could mean she'll go on a world tour with Monica Heart as one of her dancers.

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