76. Us Happy Family?

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Kristen and Kylie walked out of the airport with their luggage to be greeted by Jeff and a driver.

They politely introduced themselves and took them towards their car. The driver loaded in the luggage as Kylie looked up at the morning sky.

She had landed on American soil.

".. I was never too worried because I knew they had people around them to help." Kristen said to Jeff. "I'm very grateful for you for being like a father to them."

"No, no, I'm grateful. They're a joy to be around. You raised them well-"

"Who are you?" Kylie interrupted and looked up at Jeff curiously.

He smiled and kneeled down. "I work for your sisters."

"Why didn't they come to pick us up?"

"They don't have to, Kylie-" Kristen started.

"-because I am here. It's my job to do help them do their tasks." Jeff completed.

"I'm Kylie." She extended her hand.


"Are we going to go to the Statue of Liberty?"

"You want to?"


"Then soon. For now let's go to your sisters." He got up and began to guide her inside the car.

"No. Let's go now!" She wriggled out of his grasp.

"Kylie. We just landed."

"Mom, please! Now!"

Kristen silently glared at her daughter.

Kylie rolled her pretty, hazel eyes dramatically. "Alright. Let's go to Audrey."

Jeff looked at Kristen, who could do nothing but smile.


Audrey practiced a dance step in the kitchen as she waited for her water to boil.

Her eyes landed on the clock and she quickly removed her earphones.

Taking her hot water along, she went to check Vanessa to find she was sound asleep.

Audrey closed the door again and went to sit in the living room, waiting for her mom and sister to arrive.

"I should've made something for them. Kylie loves my pasta." She sighed.

After some time, the doorbell rang. Audrey rushed to get it and engulfed her mother in a tight hug.

"Mom!" She cried and felt the familiarity she had missed for almost a year.

Kristen thought she'd die of relief; her children were her entire world. Seeing them succeed was good, but being away was harder.

They came in and Audrey sat Kylie on her lap.

"Vanessa?" Kristen asked.

"In her room. She's asleep. She had to take sleeping pills last night, too."

"But the therapist said she'll be okay soon." Jeff told.

"What's wrong with her?" Kylie asked.

"She got sick because you were away from her since a year."

"We met three months ago."

"That was for a day. And even then you fell asleep."

"And now who's sleeping?"

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