69. Stay Close

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Five years ago

"Alright, practice till tonight and then I'll show you the steps after this." Maka instructed as Jace, Kane and Vincent nodded.

"You should go and get Rick and Sandy." Vincent suggested.

"Sandy won't come in today." Maka said. "He's trying to finish up a song."

"I tried to help him last night," Vincent said, "but no melody could match the lyrics for the bridge part in No Plans."

Jace nodded. "Yeah, they're being too rigid about the lyrical structure. The wording has to change at least, if you don't want to change the meaning."

Maka smiled with confidence. "We'll handle it. You practice the steps. I want it perfect by tonight."

"Sir, yes, Sir!" Kane shouted, playfully.

"Oh and by the way, Vincent," Maka turned around and spoke, "do you think you can perform two gigs? I have a solo song that'll be perfect for your deep singing voice."

"Two?" Vincent gulped.

"Oh," Jace wrapped his arms around around Vincent's shoulder, "V can do it. Or we can reschedule."

"I'll try.. and if it's too much-"

"Then we'll reschedule." Kane finished.

"Deal." The guys high-fived.


Present day

"Okay," a female voice spoke came through a speaker and was echoed throughout the arena, "after the hosts have introduced Ethan, he'll come to the yellow cross by the second camera."

Ethan followed.

The cameras directors looked over as everyone rehearsed their positions.

"Music.. cue." The live band started with a soft piano and Ethan brought the mic close to his lips.

Audrey and Vanessa watched from the side of the stage as a few people gave them final touches and dabbed cotton balls on their skin to wipe the sweat from the heat of the bright lights and stage makeup.

"He's not giving it all." Vanessa commented.

"He's not? But he sounds amazing." Audrey replied.

"I hear a few notes that are off. Barely, but they are."

"You become too critical in terms of singing. Never judge mine."

"There's a reason I already don't." She suppressed a smile, earning a shove from her sister.

When his song ended, the girls walked out to the positions that they were told to them and the rehearsal for Strings began.

"This is the latest hit." The concert director said in the break time. "Strings is what people will tune in for. The choreography is slow, and hence it has be sexy. Really bring out the expressions and bold stares. That's the charm of the performance."

The trio nodded in understanding while gulping down warm water.

"Five hours left." A male staff member announced in the waiting room where the girls were eating.

"I am yet to receive my copy of the script." Vanessa said.

"We have mine. Why do you need one more?" Audrey asked in an obvious tone.

"So that I can get away from you for a-"

"Here." Cedric's voice came as the paper was dropped on the table in front of her.

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