27. Sudden Surprises

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The studio was dead silent inside and not a soul around. Then, a loud noise metal clicking made the automatic lights turn on.

Vanessa and Lucky walked in with huge bags filled with the necessities they'll be needing for the day.

Lucky looked back before whispering to Vanessa. "You remember the guy you were talking about, Mason Gessler?"

Vanessa nodded. "Yeah but why are you whispering?"

"Because he called me last night and asked me what Audrey's schedule was. I think he's coming here to give her a surprise."

Vanessa's eyes widened and cheeky smile appeared on her lips. "Really? He's coming here today?"

"That's what he asked me."

"I thought you just know his dad."

"Yeah. I never spoke to the kid before. He called from Kit's number."

Mason called from his father's number so he could surprise Audrey? I don't mean to jump to conclusions but if the novels and movies are something, this is sweet of the guy. She thought.

Audrey entered a little later. Her brown hair up in a bun and her gray hoodie loosely fitting her body. She yawned rather unattractively.

The day she looks bad is the day he decides to show up. Vanessa thought and shook her head.

"You got any aspirin lying here somewhere?" Audrey asked, lazily.

"There's some at the back but it's probably expired. Why?" Lucky asked.

"Expired would be better than this." Audrey waved her hand dismissively.

Vanessa answered for her. "She's got a cold. Her head was aching all night last night."

"Oh." Lucky said.

Vanessa passed her a water bottle and Audrey swallowed the pill.

"It's not expired so it better work fast." She said.

"You better work fast." Lucky laughed. "I've received the mail of the demo. Get in the room."

"V first." Audrey said and lied down on the couch, covering her eyes with her arm.

Vanessa shrugged and grabbed the lyrics sheet.


During lunch, Lucky shared a few of his past stories and experiences of working with other artists. Vanessa was happy he was opening up to them.

Then, Audrey's phone rang.

Vanessa saw it to be Mason. When Audrey didn't move, Vanessa spoke, "Audrey, your phone's ringing."

"Yeah, it's Mason.." She said casually. "I'll call him later."

Lucky and Vanessa shared a silent look. The ringing stopped.

Audrey kept chewing her food, oblivious to the silent and visual conversation Lucky and Vanessa were having.

Her phone rang again.

Before anyone could say anything, Audrey groaned and declined it. "Sometimes he's annoying."

Maybe but not all times he's probably standing outside to meet you! Vanessa internally shouted.

"You should take it," Lucky said, "maybe it's something important."

Audrey looked at him. "You don't even know who Mason is."

Vanessa tried to stop herself from smiling. Lucky responded, "I-I know Kit Gessler and he mentioned that the new girls coming in are friends with his son. I've met Mason before a couple of times too."

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