36. Beyond The Atlantic

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Cedric was waiting for Audrey and Vanessa to finish up and get off the stage. He had his arms crossed on his chest as he kept his eyes on them.

"Thank you, MSG!" Audrey shouted as a loud uproar bidded the girls goodbye.

Instantly, the rush began. The Americana crew members began setting up the stage as Blue Hearts crew began moving out to give them space.

Everyone was speeding around except for Cedric. He stood still in one place.

As Audrey passed him, he spoke up to stop her in her tracks. "Marvelous job up there."

"Oh, um, thanks." She passed her microphone to her assistant and took a water bottle from her.

"I was informed that you're catching a flight from here."

"Yes; to Richmond, Virginia. So you see why we're in a hurry, right?"

"I do."

Audrey gave him a parting smile and rushed off to her green room.

The music began on stage and the concert began. As The Americana was still performing, the sisters changed and were on their way out of the arena.

"What good happened with him here?" Vanessa said to Audrey as they walked towards their tour bus in the basement parking. "I could've been with my friends right now."

"Stop whining. He wanted to come, he did. You and I can't do anything."

"A little tip," Cedric's voice made them freeze, "huge empty places produce loud echoes so be discrete with what you speak."

Vanessa closed her eyes and braced for some impact. She slowly turned around and saw him walking closer. He didn't seem mad; he had a blank stare and his walk was casual.

"Tip noted." Vanessa sheepishly grinned.

"Glad. Now. Where are you going?"

Audrey pointed at the bus behind her.

"No, no, did nobody inform you the change in plans?"

"What change?"

"You're not taking the plane, Audrey, you're coming with me in my private jet."

"Excuse me?"


Vanessa kept her gaze outside of the window.

"You need anything to eat?" Audrey asked.

"No, I don't." She replied at the same time as Cedric said, "yes, she does."

Audrey looked between them. "Well, uh.. I'm gonna take Cedric's side on this one and hand you some.. whatever this is."

She held out a plate towards her.

"It's Twinkies." Cedric informed. "You Europeans are deprived of so much."

"Why was this necessary again?" Vanessa asked him.

"Why was what nece-"

"Us coming here. On this jet."

"You don't like it here?" Cedric frowned and looked around. "Why, what's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong." Vanessa said, a little softly this time. "But there must be reason why you basically dragged us here with you, cancelled our rehearsals, and vocal lesson for the night. Please tell me there is a reason and we didn't just leave everything for nothing."

Cedric smiled a little. "There is a reason, Vanessa."

When he didn't further elaborate, she pressed. "Will you ever tell us? Get on with it."

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