46. Detours

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Paris, France

"The rumours flying around since a few weeks that Ethan Parker and Blue Hearts are collaborating for a remake of Ethan's song–Strings–were kind of confirmed by Ethan a little more than a week ago. Today, Blue Hearts officially announced the single during their interview."

Audrey and Vanessa removed their shoes as soon as they walked inside their room. Audrey wordlessly laid down on the bed and closed her eyes while Vanessa went to the bathroom to remove her makeup.

Milan, Italy

Mason clicked a picture of Tessa as she fascinatingly looked at a painting hung on the wall of the waiting room.

Liam and Audrey were talking while sitting on the couch and Vanessa was getting her hair styled.

"Can you get me a coffee?" She yawned and asked Bianca.

The hair stylist looked around and called a helper to get her coffee as well as something to eat.

"No, no." Vanessa immediately declined. "I can't have the canteen's food."

"Ah." Bianca nodded in understanding.

"Just a black coffee, please."

"Yes." The man said and went out.

When he returned with the coffee, Vanessa and Audrey had already left.

"I'll take that." Liam said with a smile and took the cup out of his hands while moving past him.

"Please get them both another one when they get back." Mason said. "They've barely slept last night."

The man nodded and glared at Liam before strolling away.

Tessa relaxed back on the couch and turned on the TV, which showed the show that was being recorded outside.

"You just went into your last year of high school, Vanessa." The host said with a heavy Italian accent. Her hair were black and short and she looked as young as twenty four.

"Yes. I'm a senior now." Vanessa replied proudly. "My online classes began two days back."

"You were in Paris two days back. How do you manage studies and traveling and work?"

"At this point, I'm able to juggle. I sleep during the travel, instead of looking outside the window like a fool the whole time." She chuckled. "I learned my lesson when I didn't get any sleep during the first few days because I'd stare outside."

"We're still having trail and error methods and figuring out how to plan our days so we can do everything comfortably." Audrey added.

Budapest, Hungary

"How are you liking the city, it's your first time?"

"It is." Audrey replied. "We haven't really gotten a chance yet to explore but I'd love to go out and see before we leave. This city has some exciting tourist spots."

Vanessa said with a slight shake of her head, "it's really upsetting when you visit a new place but you barely see anything before you move on to the next."

"Your schedules got too hectic too fast." The male host gave a small smile. "You're also in the middle of wrapping up your tour with The Americana?"

"Yes." Vanessa answered. "We have a week and half off before the last four shows and in that space we're getting outside America."

Toronto, Canada

"I wanna know your reactions when you found out you've been nominated for the breakthrough artist at the Annual Music Awards."

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