49. The Morning After

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Vanessa's heart skipped a beat, or maybe it quickened and took two; she couldn't decide.

Alana engulfed her in a bear hug and Natalie squeeled.

While Vanessa was frozen in shock, Audrey was in a similar state. She stood up and the spotlight found her, the audience going crazy in the background.

She reached out to hold the person right next to her, and he immediately hugged her.

"You did it." The voice said and the smile could be heard in the sound. It was only then that Audrey realised that it was Mason holding her.

He pulled apart and gave her a little push towards the stage. Audrey saw Tyler clapping and smiling at her so she hugged him close, too.

But before either could say anything, she left to run up the stage. The cameras followed her right behind.

The presenters congratulatated her and gave her the award as she bowed gratefully and moved to the mic for her acceptance speech.

She chuckled and looked down at her hands holding the golden lady and waited for the people to settle.

"I-" she started only to get chocked up and look away with a small smile. That just made the people cheer more loudly.

"Vanessa, we did it." She looked right at the camera and spoke. Her blue eyes were glistening in the lights.

"I really hope you could've been here with me." Audrey continued, "we did this together and I am so proud of us for pulling through. Mom, we love you. Everyone working our team, Jeff, our agents, stylists, producers, and my friends, who are all present here.." she smiled at them, "I thank you all. It's so surreal to accept this award in the presence of so many stars that we've grown up watching and admiring. Monica, you're the best mentor we could've gotten."

The camera cut to the woman in question, who was proudly watching with a smile.

"Our record label, crew members, band players. The team of The Americana, Shawn, Tyler, Caleb.. you guys were amazing to learn so much with. I feel like we've found friends in you."

The boys who were still standing clapped loudly and hooted.

"And lastly, our fans." Audrey shook her head. "I can not comprehend what you've all accomplished to do for us. There's nothing we don't owe to you. But this is just the beginning, you guys. We have a long way together." She raised the award in the air. "Thank you!"

As Audrey walked backstage and then emerged back out to take her seat, she looked at her table so to see all the boys happy for her.

At the hotel, Vanessa turned to see the girls happy for her; her heart was full.


"The newspaper is full of last night's pictures." Vanessa folded up the paper and passed it to Audrey. "Does nothing else happen in the world?"

Audrey flipped through the pictures and saw a few of her The Americana boys around her. Shawn held the boys' award for the best single of the year and she held hers. Another one was with Ethan Parker, and one solo shot where she was kissing the golden lady.

"Guess what just came in," Jeff walked inside and Audrey stood up to take a look, "over there, please." He pointed at a corner and the suited men behind him followed.

They placed the huge bouquets and cards and baskets in their hands down on the corner table.

"What are these?" Vanessa asked, wide eyed.

"Gifts; some from fans, some from other artists." Jeff answered.

Audrey picked up a card and read aloud, "congratulations for your success. Hope you'll achieve more. Signed, a big fan."

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