129. Twenty

28 1 3

Arisa was a woman in her late twenties and had choreographed the dance for the girls' debut song. She had been with them since then and now years later, they had the opportunity to work with her yet again.

Audrey and Arisa met up in the studio and started preparing for an all-night practice session.

"We have a stove and everything so just bring some ramen from the store at the corner." Audrey said.

"Okay. Anything else?"


"Okay, I'll be back."

"I'll clean the area till then."

A few cameramen came, installed cameras to get footage of them practicing and left after saying that they'll be back around 3AM to get the cameras.

Audrey and Arisa practiced through the night, cooked during the breaks and enjoyed their meal over deep talks about life.

The cameramen came as promised, joined them over noodles and left with the cameras.

Arisa paused the music as Audrey dropped down on the floor. "This is really hard to do while singing live."

"Practice till you get it."

"I'm not exactly in love with my voice so I feel embarrassed to do high notes or adlibs with complex steps because I know I'll focus on the dance and f*ck up my vocals."

"Avoiding it won't help you be good at it."

"I know.." Audrey thought over for a while and then resumed their practice.


As they packed, they continued talking. "Aren't you attending the award show tomorrow?"

"Yeah. I'm going to the salon tomorrow morning."

"Your stylists complain that you do their job before they can." Arisa laughed.

"At first I got every little thing done by them but now I just do it on my own unless it's something official. Like, hair, makeup, outfits, I can just put something together myself."

"Don't do it tomorrow. I don't want the world questioning the makeup of the artist of the year."

"We don't know if we'll win."

"I'm kinda sure-"

"I don't want to, actually. I mean- it sounds funny but I want The Americana to win. Those boys had a rough year and they'd appreciate it better than V and I."

"Never say that to anyone."

"I know, I know. If word gets out, it'll be like you don't appreciate the honour we give you."

"Good that you know."

"We appreciate it. But that doesn't mean someone else doesn't deserve it either. Maybe we both deserve it, not just one. Everyone worked hard, why compare it and let others down?"

"I didn't craft the rules."

She chuckled. "Not blaming you."


Vanessa's assistant stood up and followed Vanessa and Albert as they moved towards the back of his house.

She maintained a distance and was joined by Albert's manager.

"Hi, I'm Ellie. Albert's manager."

"Hi. Mina."

"You're Vanessa's PA or Blue Hearts'?"

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