33. The Americana

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"Why do you even still have his number?" Audrey groaned as she got inside a black SUV.

"I never thought he'd try to contact me."

"Well, now he has. But don't you do it."

Vanessa rolled the windows up. "Um, yeah."

"What do you mean, um yeah? No. You are not contacting him."

"I just wanna hear him apologize!"

"He won't apologize. Even if he does, how does it matter?"

"I get some freaking satisfaction!"

"Your satisfaction shouldn't depend on him."

"Well, it does!"

"Then quit it."

"I can't just snap a finger, Audrey!"

"Have you even tried?"

"Of course, I've f*cking tried!"

Ping! Audrey's phone beeped.

"It's Amy." Audrey sighed and read her message.

Amy (Publicist) : I have some exciting news. There's a meeting arranged tomorrow at SMG headquarters 9:00 AM. Both of you be there.

"Any reason you have her saved as Publicist in brackets?" Vanessa raised her eyebrows.

"I can't remember who works what job."

Vanessa snickered. "You'll get there."

The next morning, Audrey and Vanessa were sitting around a long, sleek, wooden table with a transparent glass top along with a few important members of their team.

"Have you two heard of the boyband The Americana?" One of the older males asked.

"No." Audrey replied.

"Yes, many times." Vanessa replied.

"What? When?" Audrey frowned.

"How have you not?" Amy laughed. "They're very famous in Western regions."

"I, uh.." Audrey trailed off. The truth was that she didn't have time to check in with Hollywood or entertainment industry while working her a** off.

"I've never heard their songs," Vanessa explained, "but I have heard of them quite a lot."

"Well," Jeff cleared his throat, "I've been reached at by an agent of their headlining tour and they'd like you to be one of their opening acts for the American leg."

Vanessa inhaled deeply.

"Okay. But, um.. who are these guys, again?" Audrey asked in confusion.

Amy smiled and passed the brunette a big, red file. Vanessa moved closer to her sister as they both read through it.

The first page had the words 'The Americana' in large bold letters along with their logo.

"The band," Amy kept talking as they kept flipping the pages, "consists of three members. Tyler Wallow, Shawn Brown and Caleb Cherny. Tyler and Caleb are twenty and Shawn is twenty two."

Audrey turned pages and pages of their individual bio data and finally onto their pictures.

Tyler was what girls would call a cute guy. He had dark brown eyes, short black hair and a sweet smile which flaunted the dimple on his left side.

Caleb was the tallest of them with similar hair as Tyler and a deep shade of green eyes. By the way he was smirking at the camera, you could tell he had a playful charm to his personality.

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