99. Eighteen Already Seems Interesting

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The lights flashed across the stage as the audience roared for the final song.

Standing alone on the lift under the stage, Vanessa took a few deep breaths. She could see a few staff members standing a few feet away from her.

The music started and the lights blinked accordingly.

From the other side of the stage, Audrey's lift went up and she looked up.

Once above, she raised her hand and pointed her mic at the audience.

Just as the beat turned slow for the first verse, Audrey went to take position behind Vanessa, but she couldn't see her in the smoke.

It raised alarm within her when she realised Vanessa wasn't even singing. Only the instruments were being played on the live performance.

She took over her part and went towards Vanessa's lift when suddenly she heard Vanessa's voice through the ear piece.

But she was still nowhere to be seen.

Audrey realised her lift must've gotten stuck.

She took her place, trying to continue the performance without Vanessa.

A few seconds later, Vanessa appeared on the stage and launched straight into the performance.

After successfully completing the song, they back stage and Audrey saw Vanessa drop on her knees and hold her ankle.

Immediately the medical team was beside her, asking her questions and applying packs on her ankle.

"What happened?" Audrey asked.

"The lift got stuck and she jumped out a little soon, twisting her ankle in the process."

"You performed like that?"

"I had to." Vanessa winced.

"There's two songs more!" Audrey yelled over the loud sound of the VCR playing and people cheering.

"I'll handle!"

"Can she perform like this?" Audrey asked the nurse tending her.

The nurse kept silent for a while. "It can worsen if she takes a single wrong step. She already put pressure on it in the last song."

"I can't stop the concert-"

"Can't you do something?" One of the directors shouted at the nurse. "Give her some sort of medicine."

"I can handle it for now but it might make it worse later!"

"We only have five minutes more."

"Decision, quick!"

The nurse sighed. "Considering that they don't have a concert in the next days, if she takes proper rest, it might heal."

"So she can perform now?"

"Yes. But it'll be problematic in the next days."

"I'll cross that bridge when I get to it." Vanessa attempted to stand and rush to change her outfit.

Audrey frowned while looking at her with concern. "I don't think this is right."

"Neither do I." The nurse replied while looking at the satisfied director.


Audrey slowly walked into her room after seeing Vanessa off in a hospital.

She turned on the TV to see all the people that attended the concert leaving the venue with smiles on their faces. A reporter questioned them and everyone seemed happy with the concert.

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