88. Eccentric

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"How about a puppy? She likes dogs." Mason asked.

"We can't raise a dog right now. He'll end up feeling lonely." Vanessa answered over the phone.

"You've rejected all my suggestions."

"Because not a single one was agreeable."

"Her birthday is in a week, Vanessa. I have to send something soon so it reaches there on time."

"Look, Liam is asking me the same bloody thing. I'm asking myself what to get her, too. How does everyone expect me to just speak out a list of perfect birthday presents for a girl like Audrey?"

"She's your sister, you know her inside out."

"Her tastes change everyday. One day she'll cry over something totally girly and next moment, she's f*cking cold to anything alive."

"How about a ticket home? Your sche-"

"-edule doesn't allow that. Otherwise I would've by now."

"Damn. This is harder than gifting Tessa."

"Liam disagreed. He said a present to your girlfriend is the hardest to choose. Harder than a sibling's."

"V, it's you and I versus that d*ck. He's clearly wrong. My vote goes to you. You have it the hardest!"

Vanessa chuckled.

"You do." Mason continued. "Everyone will be eager to know what you did for her. It's the first birthday in the public eye. You gotta make it grand, and meaningful. Must've been stressful to decide."

"You're not helping, you know?"

"Uh.. I meant, that I'm acknowledging you.. now.."


"I'll be a bad lawyer. I can't even defend myself, how will I defend my client?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure the books have all your answers."

"Ooh, I smell the hatred for studies from across the Atlantic."

"You have no idea how much I hate it. It interferes with my daily life."

"You didn't before, though."

"I didn't. I was a good student, but now it's just- ugh, where do I even begin?"

"Audrey told me you were going to start coaching soon."

"I'm planning to. I'm yet to speak to the company. A tutor means cutting off hours at the studio."

"Just these few months. You're a senior, this is the last year."

"College is another worry but I'm trying not to think about it."

"You wanna go to college?"

"I can't. But what if this music thing fails? I'm always concerned about this. As fast as it came, it can go, too."

Mason hummed in agreement.


"I still get messages about Ethan. I'm so glad he's not actually my ex or would've gone crazy seeing his name everywhere so long after our breakup."

"Well, you knew it'd go like this." Vanessa spoke.

"True. I wonder if he's getting the messages, too. Or is it just the girl of the relationship that everybody is worried about."

"They're probably sending him congratulations to be single again and free from you."

Audrey gave her a look.

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