65. I Literally Can't Think Of A Chapter Name

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Two years and nine months ago

"I don't feel dizzy anymore."

"I can see your eyes closing."

Kane blinked. "It's called blinking."

"It's called a lie."

Kane sighed and started to get off the hospital bed but Jace pushed him down. "Don't make me repeat myself!" He harshly shouted.

Kane's eyes widened at Jace's sudden mood shift. He looked around as people stared at them.

Jace looked down and cleared his throat. "Just shut up and stay put."

Kane decided it was best to oblige.

He wheezed. "Isn't it funny?"

"What is?"

"Everytime I'm brought to a hospital, the reason always get bigger progressively. The first time was when I broke my arm when Hunter and Rick were trying to teach me self defense."

Jace nodded.

"The second time was when I got hurt in a fight with.. I don't remember their names. Weren't they from a gang or something?"

"I don't know. It was you and Vincent."

"Hm. And now, from training injuries, alley fights, to murder wounds."

"Shut up, Kane."

"Just embracing the old, happy days."

"You're not old enough to do that. Neither reminisce, nor having a part in.. any of this."

"Are you not happy?" He titled his head. "That Linhardt was-"

"Happy? On one end, I am. But it's all over now. As if the restlessness is gone and I'm looking at how wrong we are in the first place. Rage blinded us."

"It helped us get justice."

"You're twenty and you had a hand in killing one of the most powerful man in the world. Do you not see how we just f*cked us over all over again?"

Kane smiled.

"You're smiling."

Kane chuckled and looked up at him lovingly.

"You've injured your head." Jace stated. "Why's the doctor not here yet?"

"Remember how we almost never talked about birthplaces?" Kane asked, making Jace turn towards him.

"In short, whatever I had done back there, whatever life threw at me, I was too young for that back then. Remember how people used to say I was too young for performing at our mobs? It's all I've done in my life."

"You absolute idiot. Our careers are gone. We have no future, no goal-"

"Is that what's going on in your mind? That is above the feeling of satisfaction, or you're just covering up with lamest excuse you could think of?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize our future was a lame excuse."

"You're talking as if we didn't already know all this."

Jace looked away.

"You're hiding something. Do you still feel revengeful? You could-"

"I just killed the man, how I could still feel- ah, that sentence is coming out of my mouth, I can't believe this."

"Look, I don't-"

"Stay quiet, will you? I'm just tired, and," he gulped, "I just wish all this didn't happen.. that she never went away.. the feeling of loss doesn't go away simply after.."

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