54. "Hello? Excuse me, are you alright?"

45 3 5

One week later

Vanessa headed outside as she called Kristen. Her mother picked up on the third ring.


"I got my number changed again. Save this one."

"Vanessa? Why, again?"

"Ah, safety reasons. This whole week I've been chased by reporters for a comment and some of them succeeded in getting my private number. Anyway, how are you? We haven't talked in a while."

"You silly little thing. You're the one who's supposed to answer how you are. Are you two eating well? Where's Audrey?"

"I came out for a night run. Apparently, my trainer isn't happy with my exercise schedule."

"But isn't it too late to wander around alone?"

"Uh, that's actually why I called. I mean, that's not only why I called but-"

"Get to the point."

"-we moved. Audrey and I moved to the condo we bought."

"Already? Wasn't it gonna be later this month?"

"Yes, but Jeff managed to arrange it faster since it was a cash transaction. The society here is heavily guarded; no one can enter without permission and the people living here are all very top-shots so it's absolutely safe for me to-"

She suddenly stopped.

The street that she was walking on had tall tress on either side, that led up to the society gate. Under one of the trees, she saw a person hunched over and shaking.

She narrowed her eyes to ensure she saw correct.


"Yeah, yeah, I'm here."

"What were you saying?"

"Wait a second, mom." She said and jogged over to the dark figure.

"Hello? Excuse me, are you alright?"

The person had their back at her and their head moved up at her sound. Vanessa tried to move towards their side, so some light might fall on their face but the leaves all blocked it.

The person removed the hoodie to reveal short, dark black hair.

"Sir?" She asked with concern and disconnected her call.

The man turned; his lower face was covered by a black mask that was secured in place by his ears.

That gave off red signals in Vanessa's mind but she carefully asked. "Is something wrong?"

The street was empty. Illuminated, but empty.

He spun around, still on his knees, so now he was facing her with his head up high to stare in her suspicious eyes.

"What?" She asked directly. "Why are you here?"

She now saw a little better in the dark spot he was in. His eyes were brown and teary. They were welled up but not a tear fell down.

"Vanessa Elizabeth Pierce." He said in a light, a little high pitched voice.

She instinctively stepped back.

"Do you.. live here?"

"Do you.. always ask so many questions?" He moked her tone. "Aren't you always asked questions about yourself? Don't you feel it annoying when strangers keep asking you about you?"

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