71. Out In The Open

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Four years and seven months ago

"Sandy," Vincent whispered and knocked on a closed door. "I brought the candies."

Sandy slowly opened the door and let Vincent in. He placed the bag of candies on the desk and whistled at the handmade cake lying on the other side.

"Looks good."

"Tastes better." Sandy smirked as he walked past him, back to his chair.

"Can I decorate it?"

"I have to cover it with cream first." Sandy turned around in his chair and opened the refrigerator.

He took out a can of whipped cream and asked, "Jace is keeping Kane occupied, right?"


"Okay, now help me with this." Sandy gave him the can and a bowl. "Take the cream out and spread it around evenly on the cake with this." He gave him a spatula.



"I've never done this before and I don't want to ruin it."

"It's easy, look." Sandy showed him the way and Vincent dragged a chair to sit beside him.

When Sandy was completely immersed in his work, Vincent started unwrapping the chocolates.

Sandy sighed and leaned back in his chair to admire his work as Vincent began to place the candies and candles on the top.

"Right." He said after a while, looking at the clock on the wall. "We should head out now."

They got up and slowly tiptoed to the dance studio. Sandy gestured to Vincent to light the candle.

Just as he was about to, the doors flew open; causing them to look up in surprise.

Maka stormed past them as they speechlessly locked eyes with everyone inside.

Jace laughed.

Rick walked over to Kane and patted his back. "Calm down, you hormonal sh*t." He said with a laugh. "Let's pretend nothing happened so our plan doesn't fail?"

He looked at Jace, who aggressively nodded. Vincent looked back to where Maka disappeared.

"Guys." Rick called them in and placed a chair in front of Kane, who wiped the tears from his eyes.

Sandy wordlessly placed the cake down. Rick mouthed at Jace to look after Kane and he jogged out to catch up with Maka.

"Cut it or I'll cut you." Sandy ordered.

Rick found Maka and Jace's room door open. He knocked and looked inside; Maka was lying down on his bed with eyes closed.

Rick walked in sat beside him.

Maka suddenly spoke, "I've not opened my eyes but I think you're Rick."

"I am." He smiled a little.


"You're okay?"


"Sometimes things blow out of proportion and you can't help it-"

"But live it through, I know. You've always told me this." He completed, eyes still closed.

"Correct." Rick removed his shoes and sat up on the bed with his back against the wall. "And till you fight your way back, I'm here."

Maka remained quiet, silently welcoming his friend's presence.


Present day

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