103. Strong Girls

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Vanessa sat up as the nurse placed her breakfast on the bed.

"I'll be right outside if you need anything." She smiled.

"Thank you."

Audrey walked towards the window and opened the curtains to reveal the overview of the city.

"Have you eaten?" Vanessa asked.

"No. I have a brunch planned with Ashley."


"So what were you saying earlier?"

"We don't have to talk about it if you find it offensive."

"No, tell me."

Vanessa sighed as she held a spoon. "I was miserable after my breakup with Luke. You've not even talked about you and Liam. I'm just making sure you're not holding things in."

"What helped you get over Luke?"

"I'd say.. this. My career."

"Exactly. We didn't get time to talk about things, that's how busy we are. I didn't get time to cry over him. My plate is full."

"It still can hurt-"

"It doesn't. Should I purposely make it?"

"No. Of course not."

"You know me, V. It's not me who gets hung up on boys."

"Even when all of them walk out? You're not bothered?"

"No. Their loss." She shrugged.

"Lies, Dreya." Vanessa smiled.

"Hey, why would I lie?" Audrey chuckled.

"I can think of reasons."

"Like what?"

Vanessa kept silent for a few moments. "So Mason and I met a few days ago."


"He didn't walk out on you. He just had a tough time coming to terms with himself."


"The article that mentioned his name and pictures with you in that hotel. We had forgotten that it'd affect his life."

"That was a long time ago. He said everything was back to normal."

"And we believed him."

"Did something happen?"

"He didn't say it directly but I understood that had a role to play. He said he felt a wall between you two. As a normal person, he had to take time away from you to think about your relationship."

"What sort of twisted- I don't get it. What have I done? This is the first time I'm hearing a dude thinking over a friendship this intricately."

Vanessa nodded. "He's trying to find a place in your life. Our lives move too fast, not everyone can hold on or keep up."

"He could've told me he wanted space rather than ghosting. Or talking to you instead of me."

Vanessa laughed. "I'm done with my work of being the mediator."

Audrey looked at the clock. "Should I call him now? Would he be asleep?"

"I don't think a law student can afford to sleep at morning."

"Maybe he was awake all night."

"Just go and call him. He must be worried about reading the news about our cancellations."

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