42. You Fix This

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Audrey and Vanessa woke up at 3:30AM the next morning after the show to catch their flight.

They sat in the taxi that was waiting for them outside.

"I'm sleeping till we get to the airport." Vanessa said and leaned her head back.


Audrey rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and plugged in her earphones. She listened to the audio notes sent in by their mixing engineer and approved a few of them.

She replied to other recording and mixing producers they had been working with. Once work was over, she shifted to their personal life.

Mom : Why isn't Vanessa picking up? How is she? I've read some horrible news articles. I'm worried.

A : She's good. I'm not letting her have her phone so she hasn't read anything. I plan to keep it that way. She wouldn't be able to handle it otherwise. Don't worry, I've got her covered.

Mason: Can you send me the itinerary again?

A : Yes. I'm on my way to the airport, I'll meet Jeff there and I'll have him send you one. Confirm again, there's two people coming, right? You and Tessa?

Liam : Audrey you f*cking Pierce! I cannot wait to meet you! Everyone here at Red's is envying me so much right now XD

A : Hahaa, I can't wait to have you here, too! Tell everyone there I miss them and I'll visit as soon as I can. Also, get ready to have some crazy times ;)

Tyler : Okay, find me when you reach there.

A : Will do.

Bianca (Hair Stylist) : Since V doesn't have her phone, I'm asking you.. did she use the serum I had given her?

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