67. Company

34 2 10

A month ago

Today was really weird. I think today will go down in the history of my life as a major day. Even though I prayed for things to change every single day, I didn't realise what will happen when they do change, and how I'll react to it.

Jace sneaked out and visited the place Sy's body was last found. I don't blame the poor lad but he could've been careful.

Some apparently popular girl recognized him, and now the police is after us. Though, of course, we've already taken action. We searched the girl's house to find any connection with the Linhardt family but found nothing. She may not be Cedric's target.

We've not seen either her or her sister wear that teardrop Ruby ring either. So for now, our focus has shifted to ourselves. Saving us is our priority, I don't care about the sisters.

It shouldn't be too difficult as we're all better than ever and so far nobody has ever caught us. When Hunter started training us, I hadn't thought we'd use all that to get into the music industry. Appropriately, just as we accepted the fact that music was it for us, we were ripped apart, only to fall back into the roots where Hunter wanted us.

Training to hide, training to kill, if need be.

We've all changed ever since Hunter and Sy left. I never wanted us to turn out this way.

We'll back off from Blue Hearts. Hopefully, they'll have a better experience in this industry than we did. But that's only if they know the truth, temptations and how to survive. We didn't.


Present day

"I'll get it!" Audrey shouted as the door bell rang. She made her way through the staff members, who were rushing to set up cameras and lights around the living room.

She let more people inside and thanked them for their work.

Vanessa appeared from her room in a casual attire. "Has anyone seen a white charger?"

"V, you're not even dressed yet." Jeff frowned.

"My phone has one percent battery. It's a bigger issue."

"You don't even need your phone while you film."

"I was in the middle of a conversation!"

"I'm sure it can wait-"

"Excuse me." A man squeezed in between them to go to the other side.

"-we start in thirty minutes. Where's Cameela?"

"I don't know." Another staff member replied.

"Sir, the director is calling you to approve the list of assistants."

"I'll be there." Jeff said and then turned to Vanessa. "Go back in, change, and be out in ten minutes."

Vanessa mocked him by mimicking his voice and turned around. She closed the door and the loud mummers of people talking was instantly replaced with silence.

She looked at her phone which had three unread texts from Cedric. Just as she was about to read them, her phone battery ran out.

"Now isn't the f*cking time to die on me.." She whined.

A knock on the door made her sober up. Their stylist entered hurriedly. "I was told you're not ready yet."


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