9. Day One

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Audrey and Mason sat near the Cafe's window, facing each other.

"You have to try the grilled cheese sandwich here as well. The best." Mason said.

"So you live here?"

"No, I've just been to this city too many times. We share our hometowns." He smiled.

"Portlake's actually not my hometown. I'm just there for college. That's why I've never seen you around. My hometown is much smaller; Green Cally."

He smiled. "Well, then, Thank you, Red's."

"So basically, you saw a girl and begged your dad to ask her to come audition just so you could talk to her?" She teased him.

"Hey, I just called. It was your decision to come. I didn't know if you would; if you're even interested in it."

"Ugh, interested? I cancelled my family plans to be here in East when I was expected in the West." She laughed.

His eyes widened. "Really?"


"Wow," he said, "I didn't know that. But it's okay because as I said, you're in. Why do you think my dad came out to talk to you again? Because he was happy you came when he invited?"

"He's not?" She frowned.

"No," he laughed. "He must be, but mostly he doesn't care. He has so many other things to take care of. Aiden makes sure he uses every last drop out of him."

"So why are you here? You work for him as well?"

"Absolutely not. I'm just accompanying my dad. That also against my will."

"What do you mean?"

"Okay, this will sound funny. I was actually running away from him when I came into that bar that night because I didn't wanna leave Portlake."

She bursted out into loud laughter. "Are you serious?"

"Shut up." He rolled his eyes playfully.

"So Kit Gessler saw me because he was chasing his tantrum throwing son into a bar?" She laughed loudly.

"One way to put it." He agreed. "I just want to be at peace. Travelling with him makes me sick. All this entertainment industry sh*t exhausts me."

"Sh*t like what?"

Her sudden perked up interest made him curious. "Are you merely using me for my father's contacts, Miss Pierce?" He dramatically faked offence.

"Maybe, maybe not."

He sighed and looked into her eyes tiredly as he slouched his elbows on the table. "Such a cruel world."

She lightly hit him as they both laughed.

The night grew darker and the city became more alive. On their way to Audrey's hotel in a taxi, while they were talking, Mason's phone rang.

"Dad.." He groaned and answered as Audrey looked away, out of the window at the brightly lit city which was erupting with young life, desperation for validation, materialism and a little soulfulness. The possibilities and opportunities were endless.

"Yes dad.." Mason exaggerated with frustration. "I just went for a coffee. I can do that without telling you at the age of nineteen... why does it bother you.."

Audrey felt like invading his privacy even with her eyes away.

"Audrey Pierce... Yes, her.. I'm dropping her to her hotel.. Yes I'll get that.. Okay.. Okay.. I know that, dad... Fine, goodbye." He hung up.

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