59. Next News Material In Line

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Four and a half years ago.

London, England.

"Jace and Kane are gone?" Maka asked Rick.

"Yeah, they're probably already started."

Rick's wristwatch beeped and he brought it closer to his mouth. "Yes, Jim."

"There are more cops incoming. Why is England so strict?"

"Uh, okay, okay. I'll go and stall them." Rick said and then turned to Maka. "Go with Vincent to the Entertainment Plaza."

They hurriedly moved to do their respective jobs. Jim assisted by turning all the red lights on in the nearby junctions and hoarding the cars to block the roads.

Maka and Vincent took back roads and alleys to reach the place of the mob.

"Keep a check on the right, I'll go left!" Maka shouted over the music and loud mummers of the crowd. Vincent nodded and pushed his way to the right wing.

Jace spotted Vincent in the crowd when Kane's solo came on and looked around to see who else was present and wondered why.

Maka heard a woman talking about how she had heard of the group these two dancers are a part of.

Jim saw two vehicles approach the area through his computer and sent warning messages to everyone.

"I think those Linhardt goons are again coming for you, you should probably get out of there."

Vincent rolled his eyes and turned around but a bulky man in all black stopped him. It didn't take him long to know the man was bad news.

"Seriously, worst timing." Vincent said and shrugged off the hand on his shoulder; which eventually led to the start of a fist fight. The crowd began to panic and scream.

Maka frowned and made his way against the flow, only to be spotted by another one of the men in black attires.

Jace noticed them approaching and jumped off the elevated platform to go help Maka while Kane ran up to support Vincent.

Jim winced at the screen and started typing on the keyboard.

Sandy – who was sleeping peacefully in his bed – groaned at the sound of his beeper.

A message flashed on his screen, coded in an ancient language. He blinked a few times and read it repeatedly to be sure.

"Ah, sh*t." He hopped up on his feet and quickly got dressed.

The crowd was a mess, making it difficult for the boys to defend themselves from the trained professionals.

"It's only alerting more police." Jim said to Rick, who looked visibly troubled.

"Do you think someone who Hunter knows can help? I don't know how long the guys will hold, and there might be more of them on way."

"Hunter won't agree." Jim replied.

"I'm almost there." Sandy's voice came through and Jim's eyes widened as he looked at the GPS.

"How did you get there so fast?"

"I drive fast."

"He must've turned the siren on." Rick spoke through another speaker.


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