128. Round Three

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Vanessa opened her eyes. She was looking at an unfamiliar ceiling and immediately memories of last night rushed in.

She gasped lightly as looked to her side.

Albert had his arm around her and was in deep sleep. She felt their legs touching each other under the blanket.

She sighed and gently tried to move away from him. As the blanket moved, a wine glass that was on the bed collapsed on the floor, causing Albert to wake up with a start.

"Ah," Vanessa winced, "sorry, I didn't know it was there."

Albert took a few seconds to understand what had happened and then lazily shook his head. "It's fine. Good morning."

"Good morning."

He got off the bed and asked, "what would you like for breakfast?"

"I don't think I'll be staying that long.." she pointed at the clock. "We woke up late."

"Of course we woke up late. I've never slept better than last night."

"Me, too." She chuckled.

"I won't take long. You can wash up while I cook."

After he went, Vanessa looked around his room. She picked up her shirt that was on the floor and put it back on.

"Thank God we left where we did last night." She said to herself in the bathroom mirror. As she brushed her hair, she nodded. "That's right. Age difference can go f*ck itself. I shouldn't stop him any longer. I've known him for quite a while now. I like him, he likes me. End of story."

They had breakfast together and Albert dropped her off at her house.

She opened the door and found Audrey painting Kylie's nails.

"Look who decided to come home."


Kylie raised her hand.

"What?" Vanessa asked.

"My birthday gift."

"Uh, I'll send it to you later. I don't have it now."

"I'll ask Jeff to give it directly to me."

"He will. As soon as it arrives in New York."

"Have you eaten?" Audrey asked.

Vanessa nodded and headed to her room.

"We have a rehearsal in an hour!" Audrey called.

"I know!" Vanessa shouted back.


"If you want, we can pack up early. Isn't it Kylie's birthday?" The director asked.

"Yes. But we've already told her we won't have the time to celebrate with her."

"She's thirteen now, right?"


"Aw, a girl that young would've been disappointed."

"She was quite okay actually." Vanessa laughed.

"She said since we celebrated it together last year, it's okay if we don't now."

The director shrugged. "Well, that's good then. We can focus on rehearsal without feeling bad."


"Alright then. Let's start. Get changed and come out."

The sisters went to their individual rooms.

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