35. Star Friends

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"Put it aside."


"Audrey. Come on."

"I just said yeah, Bianca."

The hair stylist sighed and moved back with the straightner in her hand. "I can't work if you keep looking down at your phone."

"Then wait a while."

Vanessa turned her head towards them when she overheard their conversation. "Audrey, we're already late."

"Fine." She placed her phone at the dressing counter.

"Thanks." Bianca said.

"Are they ready?" A man who had his black hair styled into a mohawk approached along with Jeff.

"Not yet." Vanessa replied instead.

"Hurry up, guys. He's been here since a long time." Jeff said.

Bianca spoke, "styling takes time, Jeff. You can't hurry perfection."

"I don't have all day!" A new voice announced from the front room. Everyone who was rushing in and out stopped to look as the photographer walked his way in.

"Is nobody listening to me? I've been here since ages!"

Vanessa turned around in her chair and immediately felt terror grip her heart as his loud voice echoed throughout the studio. She didn't want such conflicts to take place.

"Mr Paulo," Audrey began, "we're extremely sorry for keeping you waiting. We had some miscommunication earlier today so we're a little off the schedule."

Paulo stared at her a little before averting his gaze towards Jeff. Everyone else's eyes followed his.

"I want to start shooting within five minutes. You hear? Or I'm going to some other, punctual artists."

"Of course, we understand." Jeff replied and Paulo sighed as an attempt to calm himself down.

After he was gone, Jeff turned to the crew of the shoot. Everyone was still frozen and wide eyed.

"Get to it!" Jeff exasperated.

"Is it necessary to have him?" Vanessa called him over and asked. "He's kinda intimidating, I don't think I'll be able to act comfortable with him around."

"Just don't argue with him, do whatever he says. He's worked with some top world models and actresses. One of the best, if not the best in the industry."

"Wow. Helpful, Jeff, really." Vanessa bitterly replied.

"Anytime, princess." He smirked, gave her a pat and walked away.

Vanessa turned back to face the mirror in front of her which had bright, big bulbs glowing along its four sides.

"Okay," she sighed, "where's my outfit? I'll change."

The next six or seven hours were spent in the shoot. Paulo took their individual as well as group shots and was seemingly pleased with the end results as he smiled at them for the first time after pack up.

Audrey stretched and began pulling the pins out of her brown hair vigorously as she walked towards the changing rooms.

Jen was immediately beside her, providing assistance.

When Cameela—their clothing stylist—approached Vanessa with her old clothes so she could change into them, Vanessa shook her head.

She removed her beige colored jacket and tossed it into Bianca's hands, all the while following Audrey.

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