14. Birthdays

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Monica Heart's twenty fifth birthday was spent in the city of Brisbane, Australia. Being a native of the United States of America, she was considerably far away from home and family.

She celebrated it with her other type of family; her crew members and a few lucky fans.

It was still the early hours of the day when the crew members let in a few fans in the hotel they were staying in.

Monica's PA and a close friend, Casey Valentine, a thirty year old brunette with Vitiligo who she was always cheerful, too cheerful for Audrey's liking.

Casey addressed to everyone in the room and told them that she'd go fetch Monica and everyone is to remain silent to be able to give her a surprise.

Audrey keenly listened, ecstatic to be a part of this. She noticed the group of fans were even more happy than her.

As soon as Monica stepped foot into the room, everyone shouted and a guy burst a balloon on top of her, making the confetti inside it fall on her.

"What the-" Monica gasped and then realised what was going on. She laughed as relief washed over her.

Everyone got her reactions on camera and instantly started uploading them.

"You guys, oh.. thank you so much." She sincerely smiled and hugged every single person in the room.

She spent time with her fans and talked to them, they got her a giant chocolate cake with one of her magazine cover photo on it.

The fans also presented her with a video, as a gift that they had made as a fan project where people from all around sent short clips of them wishing her.

She received lots of beautiful bouquets from other celebrities and the hotel owner. Fans had gathered outside and the security was hard at work.

Casey came in with a huge grin on her face when Monica was doing a phone interview and sat down beside her.

Audrey knew Casey was up to something so she decided to stay in the room and watch.

"Yes, it can be unpleasant to work on your birthday, but to be honest, this doesn't feel like work." Monica said into the phone as her voice was broadcasted live on national radio.

She listened to what the person on the other side said and laughed. "That's sweet of him to think but no, nothing's budding between us. He was probably just pulling your leg."

Casey rolled her brown eyes and nudged Monica only to get a glare in return.

"I can't really talk about it just now, but it's gonna be huge. I personally think it is coming along better than the previous ones."

Audrey understood she was talking about her next album. Her tour is not even over and people want a new album? She scowled.

"Thanks, thanks. It's a pleasure like always. Alright, bye." She politely spoke and hung up.

"Guess what I just received." Casey said and showed her a neatly folded paper.

"Is it from him?" Monica's eyes instantly flared up and Audrey wondered if she was seeing someone.

"Let's go inside." Casey pulled her up and they went off for some privacy.

I hope this relationship of hers isn't doomed to be scrutinized and commented on by the media until they taint it by their opinions and it's no longer a bond of just two people and hence ultimately dies, like the others in her past. I hope no one gets a sniff of this one which might still be in its early stages, she thought.

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