96. Glitter In My Veins

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A week later

"This morning when I woke up," Audrey read out loud from her script, "I had not known that on the way to my car after my boring swimming class, I'll cross paths with my soulmate."

"I can't wait to see you act this out." Her hair stylist laughed. "This is so out of character for you."

"People don't know that." Jeff commented. "The skits in this talk show always blow up. You have get it right, Audrey."

"Who's the dude playing my soulmate?" She asked.

"It's the hostess dressed as a man."


Jeff nodded.

Audrey placed her script aside. "Can't even meet any hot guys even if I try."

"You just got out of a relationship." Jeff chuckled. "Slow down on getting a rebound."

"Not a rebound. I'm over the past."


"No, really. Ever since work resumed, I feel much better."

"I'd hope after witnessing the fight you and Vanessa had. Are you two still in a fight?"

Audrey chose to ignore the question. "I have a lot to memorize." She said and picked up the pages. But her mind out back to a few nights ago.

"Are you serious?" Vanessa sighed as she found Audrey in her room with quite a few wine bottles around.

"It wasn't all me. I had the.. the dancers over."

"I know. They called me to make sure you're not having more."

"I did some math. See I'm not even drunk?" Audrey sat up. "If you have some with me, I can't have it all. So I'll not have more. Your mission accomplished."

"Have I ever actually taken your offers to drink? Wine, at that."

"I have whiskey right there." She pointed at an unopened bottle on the table.

"Dreya," Vanessa sighed and walked inside, "I know we're going through a stressful period. I know Caleb's death has shaken us up but this will only make things worse."

"After I stop. Things will go bad only then. Right now.." she raised her bottle with a smile.

"Can you please stop living without thinking right now? I don't have the energy for this."

"I won't regret it. Don't worry about me."

"Regret? It's not about that. I'm asking you to change the way you're coping with things."

"Everyone has their way, V."

"Your actions have consequences. This is affecting not just you, but me, as well. You're going to become an addict if you drink every time you feel stressed."

"I have self control, Vanessa. God, you're such a whiner."

"Excuse me? I'm trying to-"

"Don't! Just go. Shouldn't even have tried to have fun with you."

"I'm sorry you got a boring sister rather than one with a wish to damage her f*cking liver."

"That's right. You should be sorry." Audrey took a huge gulp.

"You know, I know what this is about. This ain't just about Caleb. This involves Liam as well, doesn't it? You're just not admitting it because you don't want to sound insensitive."

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