34. Power

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"Oh my God, you have to see this!" Audrey shrieked and snatched the acoustic guitar away from her sister.

Vanessa was sitting in Tyler's hotel room with him and Caleb as they were goofing around with some tunes.


She laughed at Audrey's frantic behavior and properly looked at the newspaper that was being thrown at her face.

The Americana taking over America but they're not alone.

Vanessa read the headline and Audrey placed her finger under a particular line.

"Blue Hearts is touring the nation along with the three-piece boyband and has caught the attention of thousands along their way.

Celebrity expert, Kyle Locks stated his astonishment when asked about the sister duo. 'They're obviously beautiful. Their voices harmonize, they're gaining a huge fan following faster than anything I've seen in my career. These girls are to watch out for. Definitely, I've been intrigued by them and they've been here only for a month or so. They will have a long reign over the industry. Blue Hearts is my new subject of analysis.'

Vanessa and Audrey Pierce, originally from Green Cally, Korland were discovered by Monica Heart in her world tour last year.

This is a nice picture of you, babe."

Vanessa said looking at the image printed below the text. It was a close up of Audrey on stage during Monica's tour.

"I wanna see." Tyler extended his hand and Vanessa passed him the paper. Caleb scooted closer to read it along.

"Mason just texted me to tell me that we're on the front page. I'm completely blown away right now!"

"Mason told you? Where's everyone else?"

"I don't know, I've not seen Jeff in like, twelve hours. Maybe it's the highest record; he never lets us out of sight for this long."

"I told you this'd happen." Caleb smiled smugly. "I remember when Kyle had reviewed us, ah.." He sighed dreamily.

Tyler nodded. "I think only I was the one who didn't scream like a little girl."

"Yeah? You got sick, so shut up."

"Sick?" Audrey laughed and sat down beside Caleb.

"We were in Nigeria. The climate didn't agree with my American a**."

"Where's Shawn?" Audrey asked.

"F*cking Natalie in his room or something." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Are they planning to go official?" Vanessa asked.

Caleb chuckled. "Seeing how his last public relationship went, no."

"Please tell me," Tyler rubbed his chin and stubble, "that your woman intuition says that Natalie is not a nice girl."

Audrey looked at Vanessa. "Um.."

"C'mon, you can't possibly think she is?"

"I mean, she did ruin my hair once right before my performance." Vanessa admitted.

Caleb said, "she tried to kiss me and then clarified that she was drunk and thought I was Shawn."

"How can one confuse between you two? He is the only one blond among us and his body is twice as big as you." Tyler laughed.

"Excuse me?" Caleb frowned.

"Am I wrong, ladies?"

Both of them turned to look at the sisters.

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