74. The Space Next To Her

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One week later

"Alright, let's move!" The stage coordinator announced in the waiting room.

Audrey sprang up and clapped her hands. "Let's do it, guys!"

Jeff patted Vanessa's back. "It's two songs, you can do it, right?"

She slowly nodded.

"I'm nervous, though."

"It's been a while since you've taken a stage as big as this, that's all."

"I really f*cking hope nothing goes wrong."

"It'll pass in the blink of an eye."

Vanessa followed Audrey through the stairs and the corridor till they were at the stage's edge.

Two women stood behind them with cuesheets in hands and earpieces on. A staff member gave a water bottle to Vanessa.

She glanced at Ethan on the stage with backup dancers behind him.

Someone pulled her by her arm and moved her closer to the entrance, beside Audrey.

"Lights dim in four, three, two, one, now."

The stage filled in darkness just as the song ended.

Audrey grabbed Vanessa's hand to follow her to the center of the stage. Her mic was on so all she did was give her hand a squeeze.

"Positions," a male voice spoke into everyone's earpieces, "lights on."

The arena illuminated to reveal a crowd of twenty thousand people before them. The screams erupted at the sight of the trio.

"For my last song, Summer Music Festival," Ethan spoke, "please welcome my girlfriend and her lovely sister.. Blue Hearts!"

It was the music director's cue to start the song. Amongst the huge roar of cheers, Vanessa began to sing.


The girls rushed backstage for a costume change for their own song Summer.

"Thirty seconds!" A man shouted.

Two stylists hurriedly touched up each girl's makeup and hair as they removed their jackets and other people provided assistance.

"Vanessa, your higher notes sounded too off." The vocal couch said. Audrey glanced at them.

"I feel too breathless." Vanessa said as she moved to the entrance, being followed by the stylists.

"Drop the bridge high note for this one then."

"She's sweating," the assistant makeup artist said, "someone get me a tissue quickly!"

"There is no time.." Vanessa lowly whispered.

"Line up, line up!" The instructor announced. Vanessa looked at Audrey to say something to her but Audrey left without realizing.

"What are you doing, go!" Jeff gave her a gentle push.

She breathed in and blinked. Her legs took her to the center stage just in time.

The music began in their in-ear.

Vanessa felt a knot in her stomach.

The bright white lights blinked rapidly, causing her to go blind.

The screams gave her a shiver.

Her hands went cold.. then her breath got caught.. before she knew, her knees weakened and she collapsed.

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