64. Illusionary Happiness

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Two years and nine months ago

Sandy turned on the tap of his sink to wash off the blood on his hands.

The images of the last few hours flashed through his mind.

As he rubbed his hands together under the water, he could feel his body aching from all the hits he had received.

Looking up at the mirror, he said to the reflection, "you did it. Sy, I.. I did it.."

His eyes welled up but as soon as be heard the knock of the door, be blinked and looked away.

"Yeah." He shouted.

Rick opened the door and looked at the room. "You didn't start packing."

"I was getting some blood off me."

"I just came back from Kane's room. He's a little.. um.."

"He'll be fine."

"I think we should get him to a hospital."

"We will. When we're like, several towns away." He turned the water off and walked into the bedroom.

"How do you feel?" Rick asked,  carefully.

"Fine. What about the others? Everyone cool?"

"Uh, Maka will be back with a ride soon. Jace is helping Kane with his wounds, and Vincent is packing our sh*t faster than a anything I've ever seen."

Sandy gave out a dry chuckle. "He has experience with last minute packing."

"How are you?"

Sandy glanced up before quickly away. "Later. We have to move before they find us."

"I just- never mind." Rick walked up to Sandy and hugged him.

Sandy smiled a bit and patted Rick's back. "Let go."

"She's at peace." Rick's voice was barely audible. "So is Hunter."

Sandy clenched his jaw. "I hope Linhardt never gets it."

"He's gone. Don't think about him anymore."

He closed his eyes that had started to moisten, as his control slipped and his face scrunched up in despair. He bowed his head low, his body shook from trying to swallow his sobs.

Rick tightened his grip on his friend to give some comfort.

"I-" Sandy couldn't finish his sentence as he broke down into uncontrollable sobs. "He.. k-k-killed her.. so horrifyingly and-"

Rick nodded but didn't say anything.


Present day

"Please welcome, Blue Hearts!" The male host of a talk show flashed a smile at the camera.

Audrey and Vanessa waved as the camera panned to them.

"Hello, everyone!" Vanessa flashed a big smile.

"Thank you so much for coming, guys."

"Thank you for having for us."

"Since we're on a time limit and you guys have a crazy lot to do today, we'll get straight into it?"

"Sounds good."

"Alright, my first question is to Audrey. How do you feel about having your first relationship so public? I mean, everyone now knows you're dating Ethan Parker and he's such a heartthrob. Don't you find it difficult to balance when everything is still new to you?"

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