45. First Meets

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"Oh my God!" The stylist shouted, still outside of the room. "Security!"

"No!" Vanessa and Jeff responded at the same time. Audrey was just frozen in shock.

"He's a friend, Cameela." Vanessa informed.

"Help her, go." Jeff instructed the stylist and she immediately pulled Audrey outside, without letting her speak.

Vanessa huffed and walked inside the room. "Mason." She softly said.

His smug smile was now a little flat. "Uh, h-hi, Vanessa. Long time."

"What is wrong with you?" Jeff demanded. "The clothes she was wearing have to be given back, they aren't theirs!"

Mason gulped and the girl behind him face palmed herself.

Vanessa's eyes shifted on her. "You must be Tessa."

She immediately straightened up. "Y-Yes."

"Vanessa, meet my girlfriend. Tess, Vanessa." Mason introduced them, absentmindedly.

Vanessa nodded at her politely and then said, "I should probably go check on her."

"I'll do that." Jeff offered. "You stay here and keep an eye on him." He glared at Mason, who gave an apologetic bow.

"I'm truly sorry."

"Wonders that does." Jeff grumbled and hurried away.

Vanessa gestured them to sit down. "Way to make an entrance." She laughed. "How'd you even get here? You were supposed to meet outside."

"I pulled some strings with my dad and got Aiden to get Jeff to give us a backstage pass. It was meant as a surprise, but how would I know you were wearing something that can't be ruined?"

"We just finished a live telecast. Of course, we're wearing something precious."

"I told him to forget about it," Tessa spoke up, "but he was sure everything would be fine."

Vanessa chuckled and looked at the time on her phone. "I should get going. At least one of us stays on schedule."

"Of course." Mason replied.

"Make yourself at home." Vanessa said as she removed her heels and accessories. "There's coffee and candies in the upper cabinet and if you want-"

"We're good, you go and change. Your family's waiting."



"Do I hug you or do I kill you?" Audrey narrowed her eyes at Mason; her arms crossed and right foot tapping.

On the other end of the corridor on which they were standing, Jeff could be seen apologizing to a group of people for the delay in returning the clothes.

"Hug?" Mason gave an hopeful attempt.

"My stylist is hastily trying to dry the clothes and make their condition presentable again, as we speak." Audrey said and adjusted the towel wrapped around her hair.

"How many times have I already apologized? Ten thousand?"

"Let it be, Dreya.." Vanessa nudged her. "Mom's waiting for us."

"Listen to your sister." Mason sheepishly grinned. Tessa looked back and forth between them anxiously and wordlessly.

"I'll come back for you." Audrey said and moved past him.

"I'll be here!" Mason called out playfully. Vanessa followed her out.

The girls appeared outside and Kristen have a joyful squeal when she saw them. They embraced in a tight hug and Kristen immediately teared up.

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