70. Safety And Danger

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Four years and seven months ago.

Mexico City

"Maka," Kane said as he barged into the rented dance studio with Jace right behind him.

Rick and Maka looked up from the computer, on which they were mixing some sounds, in surprise.

"You replaced my break dance in the bridge part of Yesterday?" Kane shouted. "I've been practicing the solo part since two months! How can you eradicate it a week before the gig?"

Rick and Maka stood up as Jace grabbed Kane's arm and pulled him back. "Hey, calmly."

Kane wriggled his arm out of Jace's grasp.

"I think it'll not fit the theme." Maka replied. "Plus even Jim agreed that the cops could arrive thirty seconds earlier and including your solo will make it forty-five seconds longer."

"That didn't strick you months ago?"

"Kane." Rick said. "What's with the tone?"

"Just because it's your birthday, you think Maka will let you go?" Jace tried to joke but Kane was flaming with anger.

"I didn't sacrifice weeks for this, I didn't work my a** off only to be-"

"Hey." Maka interrupted, a little offended. "You think we're not working till we're losing our minds? Are you doing a favor to us? Did we drag into this?"

Kane glared directly into his friend's eyes.

"Guys," Jace again grabbed Kane's arm, "it's late, we're all tired. Kane, you had a rough day today. Don't take it out on something that has nothing to do with it."

"No." Maka replied instead. "He needs to know this. We've all kept quiet, we all went easy on him considering how hard things have been for him but he's taking it all for granted."

Kane gritted his teeth.

"You," Maka continued, "you take the center of our group because we give it to you. You're the youngest, act like it. Don't belittle us, who know and have seen more than you."

"Oh, I'm the one who's belittling? Did I plan your gig off?"

"Hey-" Rick stepped in but Maka spoke up.

"We are easy on you, Kane. Open your eyes. No one would've treated us as gently as we did, and all of us agree that you're way in over your head. You think everything is yours to take."

"Everything is mine?" Kane repeated in frustration. "Whatever was mine is being taken away. Everything is mine?"

Rick shook his head at Maka, signalling for him to stop.

Suddenly, Kane shrugged off Jace's hand and pushed away Rick to grab Maka's shirt in his fist.

"You were gentle on me, you say? You pitied me all my life? I should thank you. I should repay you, do I become your slave?"

"Kane!" Maka pushed him off violently. "Stop!"

Kane fell to the ground and looked up with tears in his eyes. "Thank you for telling me how you really feel."

Jace looked up in exasperation while Rick held his forehead.

"What's gotten into you?" Maka asked, slightly flustered. "It's your birthday!" He got on his knees and held Kane up by his collar. "You're supposed to be happy, why are you acting this way!"

"Let go of me!" Kane growled and kicked Maka away. "I don't want any of.." his voice faded away as he covered his face with his arms.

"Is this a tantrum a newly sixteen year old throws, huh?" Jace patted Kane's shoulder. "Stop crying, get up."

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