107. The Seed

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The girls hugged the boys goodbye and left in a hurry for the airport.

Hours later, they were in Madrid.

"I slept through the whole thing." Audrey regretted. "What will I do now?"

"You have five hours to rest and then fifteen hours of work.. I'd suggest sleeping." Jeff said as they walked through the back exit of the airport to avoid being mobbed.

"My body thinks this is all the sleep I'm getting."

"Too bad for you." Vanessa stretched her arms. "I'm tired after finishing a song. I wish everything could work this good for me always."

Audrey scowled at her.
"I should've thrown your papers in the Atlantic ocean."

"Ha, ha."

They checked in the hotel and spent the night by themselves, alone in each of their rooms.


One of the staff members who was coming along on the tour entered a building. He showed his card to the guard who let him in.

The brown haired man quickly made his way straight in, easily taking turns and opening the door to one of the studios.

He saw the backs of at least 20 people who stood there silently behind a few cameras with their headpieces on.

In front of the camera, against a white background and under huge lightings, just 2 girls sat.

It was contrasting with the crammed people, chairs, cameras, light and sound equipments, and the darkness behind the camera.

He paused, knowing how bad it can be to interrupt an interview.

Gathering his nerves, he called out.

"The interview has to be cut short! I need the artist out of set right now!"

Everyone turned around in horror.

Vanessa kept her smile on as she tried to find the source of the voice but the lights were too bright to see anything that back.

"What are you talking about? Who are you?" Someone asked.

The man stepped forward. "They know me."

The girls nodded.

"This is an urgent change of plans. You have to come with me." He said.

"Where?" Audrey asked, looking around at the wide-eyed people.


Jeff returned a few minutes after taking a call and found the set to be filled with an angry producer screaming at his employees.

"Where are Audrey and Vanessa?" He asked, a little bothered.


"Where, where!" He huffed as he climbed the stairs frantically.

The boy accompanying him looked at the store manager. "Where are the girls who were brought here?"

"Las chicas están en el probador."


"Las.. chicas-"

"Speaking slowly won't make us understand!" Jeff yelled.

"Jeff, we're here." Audrey's voice came from one of the fitting rooms. "Don't worry."

Jeff hurried closer to the door. "Are you okay? Where's V? What are you doing in there?"

The door unlocked and Audrey came out wearing a simple top and jeans.

"Cedric again kidnapped us to take us sightseeing." She stated casually. "How do I look?"

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