115. My New Year Was Better Than Yours

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Vanessa returned from a recording session to find an unfamiliar car parked in her spot.

She looked over at Audrey's spot, where her car was perfectly in position.

"Who the hell is this?" She murmured and went to ask the guard.

The security checked in the visitor registry and it turned out to be Mason Gessler.

"Mason? When did he arrive?" Vanessa asked in disbelief.

"Two hours ago."

Vanessa said she'll go and get him to move his car in the visitor lane.

She went up, unlocked the door, and stepped in to hear laughing sounds coming from the kitchen.

Audrey and Mason were both wearing aprons and as she looked over how he was cooking.

"Oh, hi, Vanessa. How've you been?" Mason waved with a spatula in his hand.

"Hi. I didn't know you were in New York."

"Audrey didn't tell you? I'm here since Christmas."

"You would've known had you not stayed in the club on Christmas Eve." Audrey said to Vanessa, without looking at her.

"Yeah. I thought you'd be coming along."

Vanessa walked closer. "I met with some people and they didn't let me leave. I would've come had I known Audrey was going to you."

"Maybe that's why I didn't tell you." Audrey gave a sarcastic smile.

Vanessa had learned to ignore it by now. "Anyway, your car is blocking mine. You should move it away."

"Ah. The keys are on the side table." Mason said while raising his hands to show that he was occupied.

"What are you making?" Vanessa finally got curious and leaned in to look at the stove.

"I'm teaching her vegan recipes. Meal prep for busy days."

"Ah. Thanks for that."

"Sure. I decided to go vegan along with you guys." Mason announced. "My transition will be easier as I'm already vegetarian but hopefully my support will help."

"It will." Vanessa smiled.

"I got to learn these new recipes too so it's a win-win."

"I'm sure our dietician is happy."

"So what are you doing tomorrow? Audrey said she had no clue."

"I'm going out. It's New Year's Eve. Who wouldn't?"

"With whom? Audrey and I already have plans. Join us."

"No." Audrey spoke in a long while. "She won't. She has new friends that are more important."

"Who?" Mason asked.

"V made new friends in the Christmas party." Audrey replied instead. "They're the only people who understand her feelings."

Mason lightly shoved Audrey with a laugh. "Stop it."

"Half of it is right. I am going out with them."

"Well, they're just people you met days ago. I'll leave again soon-"

"You visit often, we can hang out next time. You and Audrey enjoy each other."

"Why with them?" Mason placed his spoon down. "Are they even safe to be with? You can stay with other friends of yours, someone you've known longer. Like those producers you work with."

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