44. Blue Eyes

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One week later.

Green Cally, Korland.

Jake Pierce kept his eyes glued on the clock hanging above the white board of his classroom. The teacher wrote the formulas for surface area and volume of different shapes for the students to note down, unaware of the only student tapping his foot restlessly and playing with the pencil in his hand.

"Don't forget to turn in your assignments before the next weekend." The teacher reminded the class. "I will be conducted a surprise test within the next month as we are already done with two chapters."

"But the year has just only begun!" A girl beside Jake raised her hand, causing his eyes to immediately fall down on her. A little smile formed on his lips at the girl's protest.

"I'm aware, Miss Emily Smith. Thank you for your opinion."

The class giggled but Emily scoffed.

Jake looked at the guy sitting in front of him, who was laughing at Emily and kicked his seat.

"Enough." He said to him.

The guy turned with a glare but didn't say much else. Emily smiled at Jake, which he returned just as sweetly.

Suddenly the bell rang, causing Jake to jump out of his seat. He glanced at Emily but decided against waiting for her and ran out of the class before anyone else as he bolted straight for the school gates.

He ran with his bag hung on one shoulder and passed through an electronic shop that displayed multiple television screens, all of which showed a promotional clip of the live telecast of a talk show happening that night.

"... we'll see you tonight, Fietfall." Audrey pointed at the camera.

"It's good to be back home." Vanessa concluded beside her with a smile.

Jake reached at the bus stop and struggled to catch his breath. He overheard a group of girls next to him.

"Her hair should have been straighter, like Audrey's."

"But Vanessa's more pretty. I mean, just look at that poster. Audrey must be jealous."

Jake followed the girls' gaze to the top of the tallest building in Green Cally. His eyes narrowed a little at the sunlight but then he saw it.

A huge banner was being stuck to the board at the top. It was from a photoshoot of Blue Hearts and the sisters were resembling supermodels.

Jake smirked at the picture proudly as the people around him started snapping pictures just as the bus arrived and he climbed in.


He got off the bus and after a five minute walk, took the turn for his house, only to find Paul arguing with two boys in front of the house.

His eyes widened and he sprinted up to them.

"Do you want me to call the cops!" Paul shouted. "Get out of here or I'll make you regret ever coming here!"

"Dad, dad!" Jake stepped in between. "Stop, what are you doing?"

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