112. Twenty Two

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The morning of December 21st arrived.

Audrey and Vanessa were woken up after they got four hours of sleep.

A few surprise gifts from the staff members and producers were given to Audrey as cameras filmed the entire interaction. Audrey made sure to read a few fan letters to the camera and reply to them.

Vanessa didn't get much alone time with her sister as they were constantly around people, being taken to their next schedule or rehearsal.

As they sat down for lunch in a hotel room in NYC, their dresses for the red carpet, performance, and award ceremony were brought in.

"Alisha," Vanessa said with her mouth full, "I left my lipstick at home. Could you get it while you're there? It's in the third drawer of the closet by the door wall."


"Oh, and get me coffee on your way back!" Audrey shouted.

"Okay!" Alisha answered back.

"Does she even have the keys?" Vanessa asked.

"I mean, she did last time. I think all the stylists have our house keys."

"I thought only a few did."

Audrey shrugged.

"Did anyone unexpected wish you?"

"Yeah. Some famous, some from Korland. Which unexpected are you talking about?"


"One of my co-workers from Red's tagged me on Twitter. I wish I could reply."

"You can arrange for her number."

"And give out mine?"

"Text her from someone else's and clarify it's not yours."

"That'll seem rude, idiot. Oh I don't want to give you my number because I'm that self centered."

Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"Do you know Steven Hackers?"

"Yeah," Vanessa nodded, "the national football team player."

"He DMed me."

Vanessa started coughing.

"My reaction exactly." Audrey laughed and passed a glass of water.

Vanessa took a sip and breathed. "He's f*cking hot."

Audrey smirked.

"Ah, I can't believe I didn't get a DM from him and you did."

"He's too old for you."

"Not too hot."

"Well, I guess that settles the question everyone asks. I'm better than you."

"Or his standards are low."

"And you still don't fit in them."

"Or he knows I'm above his league."

"We're talking about Steven Hackers, Vanessa. Get yourself checked."

"Are you two done?" Jeff asked. "You have to start getting ready. The carpet starts in five hours."


The rain clouds covered the evening sky, giving the city's skyline a soft gray hue.

Vanessa and Audrey were seated in the car that was to take them to the red carpet.

They we're constantly in touch with Jeff, who was in a car behind them that would stop by the entrance and park outside.

"It's going to rain by the time we reach." Vanessa said, looking up at the sky.

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