10. Heart On Fire

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Mason woke Audrey up the next morning. They had breakfast together at his house in last night's clothes and Mason showered. Then, he took her to her hotel in his car.

"I rarely drive this thing." He commented.

"I can see you rarely drive anything. Would you go a little faster, please?"

"I drive just fine."

"I can walk faster."

"I'm going thirty, you can't."

"Speed limit is thirty, Mason."


She rolled her eyes.

They reached her hotel and she took a shower. Rest of the day, they spent watching movies and they both ended up falling asleep.

When she woke up, he was sleeping on her lap and her neck hurt from the uncomfortable position.

She hit him and he gasped.

"My legs are numb, you numb nut."

He breathed. "Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know when I fell asleep."

"Yeah, me too."

"It's dark already." He walked over to the window and removed the curtains to reveal the brightly lit skyline of the city.

She followed him and admired the scene. "It looks so beautiful. You don't get this scene in Green Cally, or even Portlake, for that matter."

"Hm, I've seen better. Fietfall isn't the most gorgeous place, sweetheart."

But she was mesmerized. "Oh yeah? What's better than this?"

"You've never left the country, have you?"

She shook her head. "I can't afford it. Not just financially but I don't have the time either."

He walked away from the window. "So don't you plan to? Go out?"

"I do dream." She laughed. "If I get selected for Monica's shows, I'll do what I love all around the globe." She said in a dreamy voice.

She looked back to see him standing with his palm held out. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

She chuckled and placed her hand on his.

"Without music?"

"Without music." He gently pulled her close and placed his other hand on her waist.

"You talk about dance half the time," he said as he slowly swayed them, "I thought, man, I still haven't asked her for one."

"I don't talk half the time."

"Oh, trust me." His face was almost above her shoulder. "You seriously do."

"What about you? Any hobbies?"

"Hm.." He thought. "Let's see.. ah.. no."

"Come on, everyone has something they enjoy doing!"

He pulled away from her and slowly spun her around before getting back close. "I'm travelling a lot with my dad. There's nothing one thing in particular."

"So what do you plan to do after college?"

He paused and looked at her. She looked at back at him expectedly.

"Don't make me regret asking you to dance with me."

"It's a simple question." She amusingly smiled.

"No, this is a simple question: shall we go get dinner?"

"Oh, yeah." She emphasised in a playful voice. "I'm totally starving."

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