57. All Comes Down To Him

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A year ago.

New York City, New York.

Vincent walked out from a retail shop with a candy bar in his mouth.

He stopped to look at a poster of the upcoming Monica Heart worldwide tour. A little boy saw him staring at the advertisement and approached him.

"Did you get the tickets?" He asked. "My mom said I can't go but I really want to."

"Why do you want to?" Vincent asked, eyes still on the poster.

"Monica is my favorite singer. I want to meet her."

"I see."

"Isn't she your favorite too?"

"Nobody is my favorite." He huffed. "It's all bullsh*t."

The boy's eyes widened and Vincent strolled away.


Present day

Audrey drank water and said to Vanessa. "I'll wake you up in an hour."

"You're not sleeping?"

"Not sleepy."

"But you won't get time for a nap tomorrow."

"You go," Audrey insisted.

"Are you still thinking about what happened?"

"No, I'm thinking about what could have happened."


"Or maybe I'm just tired, I don't know."

"Then you should rest."

Their landline rang and Audrey picked up.

"Hello.. yes, there's just us.. no, no, we weren't asleep yet.. really? Do you think I can have a look?"

Vanessa curiously listened.

"Um, I'll have someone drive me there.. no, it's fine.. yes, I'll be sure to do that, thank you." She hung up.


"They found the guy's identity. I'm gonna go and check it."


"I am not letting you leave the house. Even the officer agreed that you should stay locked in. Liam left with the cops, I'll be back with him."

"But I'm the one who-"

"You should be asleep, go. I'll be back before you know it."


"I'm locking all the windows and doors. The alarms systems are all on. Don't open the door for anyone, I have my key." Audrey narrated as she stepped on her shoes and wore her jacket.

"It's midnight, do you really have to go now-"

"Bye." The door shut and the lock activated with a beep. Vanessa sighed and walked back in her bedroom.

She covered herself and closed her eyes. The house was dead silent and dark.

She was about to slip into unconsciousness when the lights turned on.

She's already back? Vanessa thought but didn't open her eyes.

That was until a few seconds later when the sheets were ripped apart from her.

"Here she is." A deep and rough voice spoke. Vanessa looked up in shock but was unable to adjust to the bright light.

Vincent looked down and realised that she was just wearing a very thin cotton shirt that was almost see through and an underwear.

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