102. Exhausted And Afraid

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"I don't find it all that new."

Vanessa frowned.

"I mean," Cedric continued, "I've seen all this happen. To be honest, it's the normalcy. You tend to lose friends as you climb higher on the ladder of fame because they aren't with you on it."

"Still." Vanessa adjusted her laptop monitor. "Mason should've at least told her he's here. And it's not like he isn't friends with other celebrities. That's what makes him different; he knows the industry's ways."

"It happens, babe. Sad, but happens."

Vanessa sighed. "Anyway, I'll go see him now. I'll call you again."

"Alright. Bye."


"It happens!" Lydia passed another glass of wine to Audrey.

"No, I have a recording tomorrow." Audrey placed the glass away.

"Wow. This might be my first time watching you refuse wine."

"I'm that upset." Audrey laughed.

"Over Mason? Or is there something else?"

"It's cumulative, I guess. There's always one worry or the other going on. And I don't want the few people I have to go."

"Top spot is lonely."

"This is exactly how I felt when Liam and I broke up. Suddenly without a support."

Lydia chuckled. "It's not like Mason isn't ever going to talk to you, Audrey."

Audrey sighed.

"And about Liam, you two weren't on the same page anymore. I saw a picture the other day. It was a couple on a date and the man was happily talking, his coffee cup on the table was half empty while the girl just sat there. Her cup was untouched. See what they mean by a picture speaks a thousand words?"

"But it sucks. Why can't they see eye to eye?"

"As I said, it happens. You want something to work out, badly even, but that isn't enough for it to. And that's okay."


Mason placed his coffee cup down. "I'll be going back when the summer break ends."

Vanessa nodded.

"Drink it. I'm famous back home for my coffee."

Vanessa took the cup and then placed hers back down. "There's something I wanted to ask."

"Go for it."

"It's about Audrey. Did something happen between you two?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. It's just that I wanna make sure that there's nothing going on that she's not telling me. I mean, she can keep stuff from me but I'd like to at least know if something is upsetting her so maybe I could help-"

"Something is upsetting her?"

"That's what I'm asking you."

"I don't know."


"Can I ask you something, too?"

"Go for it."

"Is Audrey dating someone new?"

"No? Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I just wanna make sure she's not dating any other dude like that Liam."

"She's not. She knows she's not one for love."

"I see. That's why she's resorting to casual flings with strangers. But shouldn't she be more careful? Being known and all that?"

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