72. Repercussions

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"M-Mom?" Vanessa tried to swallow.

Audrey looked down.

"No.. I'm okay.." Vanessa answered. "I miss you.. I really want to come back home.."

Audrey turned around and tapped Jeff's arm. He looked at her.

"Is it possible to send her home for a week? The unwanted attention is just scaring her more."

Jeff shook his head. "You're in the middle of finishing your album. You have interviews and events scheduled. Not to mention the performances with Ethan this weekend."

"Look at her, do you think she can perform? She's shaken to the core. Seven people died there." She whispered.

"The shock will wear off soon and she'll be back, don't worry."


"Audrey, what can I possibly do? Even I want her to have rest but does it solve anything?"

"So we're just going to pretend as if nothing happened?"

"William has called for a meeting tomorrow. The management will decide our course of action as per the CEO seems fit."

"I'll go, too. They should know how we feel about it."

"Have you ever gone to a meeting you weren't invited to?"

"It's more personal this time."

"They know." He said and turned back to the group of people he was instructing.

Audrey scoffed and went back to Vanessa. She was reading a green diary which Audrey had never seen before.

"What are you reading?"

Vanessa quickly closed it. "Nothing. When can I go back home?"

"The doctors said we can leave, we're just waiting for the security to clear the road-"

"I meant go back to Korland. I want to be with Mom for a while. I've not been there in over six months."

"We'll see. As soon as we can, we'll both go."

"What's Jeff saying? Is it bad? Did Cedric come?"

"Jeff is handling the media situation. Cedric is giving a statement to the police."

"I really don't know how it happened, Audrey. One second I was leaving and the next I hear this super loud noise, and-"

"We'll talk about it later. Do you want anything to drink?"

Vanessa slowly shook her head.

"What did Mom say?" Audrey changed the subject. "Was she wailing a lot?" She chuckled and sat at the bed's edge.

"Maybe, I don't know." Vanessa smiled faintly. "I just want to go back quickly."

"I know you do."


Liam washed his face in the kitchen sink again.

"Doesn't washing your face wake you up? Why's it not working?" He panted.

"Maybe because you're not asleep." Audrey walked in and took a glass from the counter. "And you're not dreaming."

He quickly stood up straighter. "I- uh.."

"That's what you're thinking, right? That it's all a bad dream?"

"I'm so sorry, Aud-"

"Vanessa wants water." She held up the now full glass. "I'll go and give it to her." She said and left.

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