41. Do It For The Drama

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"Vanessa?" Audrey saw that she was up and immediately came to her bed. She sat on the other side from where Tyler was sitting.

"Tell me." Vanessa stated, showing a strong face.

"Um.. yesterday.." she began slowly, "when we landed in and the reporters surrounded us, people misunderstood our actions.."

"What do you mean?"

"Look," Tyler spoke cautiously, "Audrey was able to stop for a few snaps and you weren't."


"They're saying it was rude and deliberate of you, and you know how the media jumps to conclusions and exaggerates."

"I was hurrying because someone would've gotten hurt, obviously I'd love to stop if I could but-"

"We know, Vanessa." Audrey said. "We understand, that was the right thing to do."

"I'll explain to them." She said. "I'll tell that it wasn't safe, there were kids and the paps were pushy."

"Jeff doesn't think you should face the media anytime soon."

"Why?" Vanessa raised her eyebrow at her sister. "They'll-"

"That's not all." Audrey interrupted. "You kissed Caleb last night."

Vanessa glanced at Tyler, who looked right back at her. She shuffled uncomfortably. "How- how do you know that?"

"Someone spotted you two. There's pictures all over."

"What do you mean, pictures all over? We were alone inside the bar." Vanessa tried to convince herself more than the others.

"It's been taken from outside, the other end of the street."

"If there's a picture of Caleb and I going around, then they must think-"

"That you're dating, yes." Audrey finished. "As if Tyler and I's rumours weren't enough."

He shrugged in Audrey's direction.

"But this isn't a rumour. They must be thinking of this as a confirmation." Vanessa said. "Or else I'd be accused of using Caleb to get myself a name. I'd be a wh*re."

"Tyler, can I talk to her alone?"

He nodded. "Yes, sure." As he got up, he reached over and took Vanessa's phone from the nightstand and went towards the hall.

"Why'd he take my phone?" Vanessa whispered slowly with a frown.

"You don't wanna go online, trust me."

"That bad?"


"Audrey, this is.. everybody can see something that's private to me. I don't want people seeing that picture."

"Why did you even kiss him? What happened last night?"

Vanessa brought her covers up to her chin. "What can I say? You've already seen it."

"I wanna hear your side."

"I am not dating Caleb. It was just a simple peck on the lips, it's not like people who are dating can only do that? Everyone does it all the time!"

"It's not portrayed like that. We have young kids as our fans and-"

"Where is Caleb?"

Audrey sighed. "He thought it's best to not be spotted anywhere around you. Their team has cancelled tonight's meet and greet after the show, to avoid any questions."

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