60. When Your Girl Is Another's

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Four years ago.

"Sandy!" A girl shouted. "Come here, now!"

Jace shuffled in his bed. "Sy, what's wrong?"

"There's an article published about you!" The brunette chirped.

"Sorry, baby, you're about a year late to notice."

"But these have the pictures you released!"

She enlarged an image of the six boys sitting on a long table with a many mics placed in front of each of them. The black rubber wires entangled on the floor and they were leaned back on the chairs, away from the mics as they gave a sharp and serious look at the camera.

"Shocking." He yawned and closed his eyes to go back to sleep.

"It's really amazing. I loved the idea, everyone wants you to say something, reveal yourselves, but here you are.. not speaking a word, silent as a grave, challenging everyone."


"And Kane, as usual, his cinematography is perfect. Your outfits make everyone stand out perfectly as well. I think I'll have to learn fashion from Vincent."

"I'm glad you admire it." Jace's muffled voice came as he spoke against his pillow, sleepily.

"Sandy!" Sy screamed again.

"Quiet, woman!" Jace groaned. "Your brother is not here. He has a performance this weekend with Maka, he's practicing."

She looked back at him. "Weren't you supposed to fly to Sydney today? For your solo?"

"I still am."

"Then wake up already."

"Why don't you join me for a little while longer?" He extended his arm to her with a sweet smile on his face.

"I would but I've got to go."

His face hardened. "To that client of yours? Now he calls you at daytime, too?"

"I can't question him."

"Sy," be sat up, "you can quit your job now. We all earn enough. You are Sandy's sister by blood, sure, but you're also our family."

"I'm family? So we're siblings?" She smirked.

"You're a different kind of family to me." He smirked back.

She chuckled but then her expressions dropped. "After what happened to us, Jace.. after Sandy and I saw our biological family fall apart, when we were thrown in the streets with no money, before Hunter found us, we had promised never to remain unemployed."

"But there's other ways to-"

"Nobody will hire me. You know that. The only thing I have is my body. That's my only asset, only skill." She changed into her jeans. "So if I have to sell it, so be it."


Present day

Vanessa unlocked the door to their house and looked around.


"In the kitchen!"

She walked over and her eyes widened at all the food arranged in glass plates at the dining area.

"Are we expecting guests?" She asked.

"No, why?"

"Then isn't it too much for two people?" She chuckled.

"I guess you both had a long, tiring day. Plus, I'll help as well, don't worry." He grinned.

"Um.. you know that Audrey's not coming home tonight, right? It's just you and I."

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