132. All That Glitter Is Not Gold

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"When's Kylie going to be here?" Vanessa asked her staff as her makeup was retouched before walking down the red carpet to one of the award shoes.


"Shouldn't we just go? It's time."

"No, the reporters will ask for a family picture and it's better to wait here than on the carpet."

They waited for ten minutes and then Kylie's car rolled in. She stepped out with a smile and apologized.

"It's fine." Audrey said, looking at Vanessa as if she was her telling her that it was fine and she needn't create any arguments.

The sisters walked towards the entrance, holding each other's hands and in synchronized steps.

The flashes went off and they posed together for longer than usual before they were let go.

As soon as they reached inside, Kylie went to sit on her separately assigned seats while Audrey and Vanessa were escorted to the front.

The girls weren't performing so they sat calm and easy and the show seemed to progress successfully.

During the commercials right before a big award that Kylie was nominated for, the girls asked her to come sit beside them so if she wins, they can give her a hug.

Kylie came.

Everyone waited as the announcer held his breath to tell who had won the best child actress. Kylie was the youngest and with the most little experience under her belt amongst all the nominations.

But she was the most popular one, and so she won.

She acted surprised and stood up. All the cameras focusing on her, her face on the big screens and her movie songs blasting through the speakers.

Audrey reached to give her a hug but Kylie awkwardly just shook her hand and started walking towards the stage without glancing a look at anyone else.

She heard the people around her as she went, took the award and went up to the mic with it.

"Ah. This- this has been great. I have been having a lot, lot of fun. Thank you for everything, per usual. I will never forget this."

She quickly walked off.

Vanessa laughed. "Why's she so nervous?"

"It's good that she just said the good parts about her life and didn't whine about the hard ones."

"Yeah, some get emotional and just rant out their frustration."

Kylie's assistant helped her through the backstage as she quickly walked thanking a few people on her way.

"Ky," Sophia spoke at last, "is everything okay?"

"Y-yeah. Why?"

"You're avoiding people."

"Is it that obvious?"


Kylie stopped when she reached an empty room. She dragged Sophia in and locked the door behind them.

"I didn't want to win." She stated.

"What? Why the f*ck would-"

"Because even when I was nominated, people said it was just because of my sisters that I'm getting recognition."

Sophia's eyes softened.

"And now they'll talk more about how I have it all easy and I'm untalented and just lucky."

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