91. Let's Just Sleep

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Audrey and Mason laid beside each other on their backs as they stared at the roof above them.

"So," Audrey started, "I'm kind of not high anymore."

"Me, too."

"We shouldn't have.. uh, d-"

"I know."

"We are both in separate relationships."

"We basically cheated at the same time. Best friend goals?" Mason dryly said.

"Yay." She plainly replied.

"I know why I did it. Tessa and I are horribly on and off."

"Liam and I are dangling, too."

"And what we just did.."

Audrey sighed. "Yep, complicates everything."

"Should we just forget this happened?"

"Can we do that?"

"Shouldn't we be able to?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"Even I don't know."

"Then why suggest?"

"I asked."

"Did you?"


"I see."

"So what's the answer?"

"You ask too much."

"That's because I don't know."

"Even I don't know."

"You just repeated my words."

"That's because I, too, don't know."

"You did it again."


"So you don't know and neither do I."



"Back to square one."

Mason groaned and rolled over.


Audrey returned to her hotel around breakfast time.

"Jeff asked to meet you." A staff member informed. "And here's your coffee."

"Thanks. Where is he?"

"Should be in 507."

"Alright, thank you."

Audrey knocked on the door of 507 and was greeted by Vanessa.

"You made it through the night, I see. I thought you're passed out in some corner and we'll have to look for you."

"Ha, ha. Very funny." Audrey rolled her eyes and made her way in, pushing Vanessa aside.

"How do you feel?" Jeff asked.

"Normal. Why?"

"I had to push in an interview with some small, local magazine. It's in an hour."

"Whoa. If they're local and small, what did they do for you to agree?"

"Actually, we asked them to interview you. They weren't even interested."

"Oh. Well, that hurts my pride." Audrey blinked.

"If they don't even care about us, why are we giving them an interview?" Vanessa asked. "I'm sure there will be other magazines who'd like to speak with us. This is our hometown after all."

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