55. XI

41 3 6

The group is called XI (the roman number for eleven). It's pronounced as 'X-I', like, it's spelt out. Their other names are XIX (called as ex-I-ex), SIXX (six x, x denoting their secret identity).

The members (from oldest to youngest):

1. Sandy (Rap line) : Lead Rapper, Songwriter (producer and composer).

2. Rick (Rap line) : Leader, Main Rapper.

3. Maka (Rap and dance line) : Main Dancer (leader of the dance unit; choreographer), Lead Rapper.

4. Jace (dance and vocal line) : Lead Dancer, Lead Vocalist.

5. Vincent (vocal line) : Vocalist.

6. Kane (dance and vocal line) : Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper.

• Hunter : The father figure. A wanted criminal.
• ‎Jim : Personal hacker. Technological genius.


Four years ago.

Bangkok, Thailand.

A boy typed expertly and rapidly on his computor keyboard. The screen's light reflected in his big glasses which covered his excited, grey eyes.

He turned around in his chair and grabbed his headphones, which had a mic attached to them.

"I think I've found the next target." He smirked and continued to enlarge several photos of a street. "The cops will take at least four minutes to reach, not many CCTVs so I can handle your coordination and distract the police."

"That's good news, Jim." He heard. "Rick will be happy to hear," the person laughed, "he's been craving to get out of the pit."

"What I see from the other side of the world on my computer, I wouldn't wanna stay in that place either."

"Well, all six of us have complained to Hunter, but you know the stubborn old guy."

"Who knows him better than me? His stupid persistence and bothering attitude is what has me working for you for free." Jim scoffed.

On the other side of the call, a tall and brown haired boy paced around. "That's not it. You've grown to like us."

"Would you just go and get Rick?" Jim deadpanned. "I knew I shouldn't have called Vincent." He muttered under his breath.

The guy - Vincent - now changed his walking path and looked up at his destination. There was a cement bridge crossing over a narrow, yet deep river. He jogged over, his slightly long hair flying with the breeze as he chuckled.

"Ah, the sun feels warm."

"It's raining in Bangkok."

"That's why I love Arizona. Phoenix and I were meant to be together."

"Alright, boy-in-love, hurry up."

Vincent went under the bridge and around a huge ten feet rock that was under it. He got down and started climbing down a wide hole.

He carefully placed each step on the silver plates mounted in Earth and then jumped down with a thud at the last step.

He landed right in the middle of a massive underground room with a pool table at the center. Jace was leaning on his stick as he intensely watched the game being played by another brown haired boy.

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