82. Who Gets It Their Way?

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"We're rushing things so we have no time to review." Audrey said into her phone as she came out of the dressing room, ready in her performing outfit, with two of the stylists behind her.

"Where's Vanessa?" Audrey asked one of the staff members.

"On standby in the next room."

"Sir, I'll call you later. I have to go." She hung up and then took a breath  "Alright. I'm ready, let's go."

The stage rehearsal for a live broadcast that night began. The soundcheck was under its way.

"Can my volume be turned louder than Audrey's? I can't hear myself well." Vanessa spoke into the mic.

"Yes. I'll turn yours louder." The sound engineer replied through the microphone.

The live band practiced a couple of times, as Audrey read the script again.

"There is a correction at the bridge part of Summer; it says Vanessa with a question mark, it's me." She said.

"Yes, we'll correct that."

The rehearsal finished with the backup dancers as everyone familiarised themselves with the stage setting.

They moved backstage, giving the next artist the time to rehearse. Audrey went to the cafeteria, Vanessa took out her phone and started typing up some random lyrics that came to her mind.

"Why aren't you eating?"

Vanessa looked up in surprise to see Cedric standing in front of her with a bouquet of red roses.

"Cedric." She smiled and stood up.

"Hi." He extended the flowers towards her. "I wanted to see how things are going before the telecast."

She took the roses and smelled them. "Thank you for these. I love roses."

"I remember you mentioning that once."

They sat down and Vanessa asked a woman where Audrey was.

"She's in the cafeteria."

"Can you call her here-"

"No, no, there's no need." Cedric interrupted. "Let her have her lunch. Have you eaten?" He asked Vanessa.

"I had brunch, so I'm not hungry."

"You should eat before going live. Do you want to faint again in front of the world?"

Vanessa narrowed her eyes. "I told you to stop reminding me that. And I won't faint after just skipping one meal."

"You're stressed and over working yourself. The last thing you should do to your body is starve it."

"I'm not starving it." She rolled her eyes. "Why is this a discussion? My dietician has me covered, don't worry."

"Hell of a dietician, asking you to not eat."

"Cedric." She inhaled deeply. "I'm fine."

"Okay." He smiled playfully.

Vanessa shook her head slightly and focused back on her phone. "I was about to finish this song I've writing since so long now. Ah, it's really frustrating."


"I thought I was going to die while working on this song." She laughed. "Since I was in the hospital, Oliver and I couldn't work on this at a fast pace. I don't know how many times we've rewritten and edited. But every time there's still a bit of an unsatisfaction that remains. But now we have to rush to the recording of the song because we don't have time to stay in the writing process any longer."

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