63. Disclose The Depth

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Four and a half years ago

"Anyone home?" Sandy trotted out of his room and stretched his arms. "Aah.."

When nobody replied, he looked at the clock. His eyes widened to see it was two in the morning. "What the f*ck, how?"

"Sandy?" Vincent yawned as he walked across the hall. "You're up?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Why? The song is coming slow?"

"Yes, it's eating me alive. Maka has his own gig to produce and Rick is on the other side of the world. It's all fallen on me."

"Remember the people I brought last Friday?"

"Yeah. Clearly. They trashed the whole place and tried to trick a seventeen-year-old into trying a strong drug."

Vincent's eyes averted. "I didn't know they'd go so far."

"Next time don't just check their boobs, check the character before inviting them here."

"I did check," he brightened up, "they all were producers themselves. I heard their collections and they were pretty goo-"

"Have we ever collaborated?"

"No, and that's why-"

"V, I had a favour to ask."

He sighed at his refusal to even listen. "What is it?" He asked dryly.

"Open for me."

He paused. "W-Wait, your performance is.. uh-"

"In a week."

Vincent laughed. "No way. It's too soon, I can't-"

"You're just opening for me, not actually performing. You're a fast learner."

"Why don't you ask Kane or something?"

"Because you're here right now."

Vincent arched an eyebrow.

Sandy shrugged. "And.. he's already helped me too many times."

Vincent eventually agreed. He secretly loved working with Sandy, but of course he wouldn't tell it to him.

"You'll pay for the meals and I'll use your studio for practice." Vincent stated.

"Sure, though you'll not be needing the studio for long as the performance as very soon," Sandy said as he walked back, "oh, and since it's soon, you have to work very hard and hence you won't have much time to have big meals either. Good luck. You have to work a lot."

Vincent internally cursed at his retreating figure.


Present day

Vanessa stepped out from the car along with Jeff.

"You know," Jeff began, "as your manager, I shouldn't keep secrets from either of you."

"That's the dilemma you have to face. It's either respect your client's wish of confidentiality, or don't."

"You both are my clients."

"And she's my sister."

"Vanessa, you're too young to get into all of this. You should focus your free time on studies-"

"There he is." She pointed at a man standing in front of a big hospital.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded as they began walking towards him. "Cedric took me a couple of times to him. I remember him very well."

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