75. "I Don't Know"

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"Liam, I can really get you a good place-"

"I've said so many times, Audrey, I'm fine."

"I'm not."

"You should be."

She sighed and looked at Vanessa for backup.

"Why are you looking at me? I don't have any say in the matter."

"She's right." Liam said. "I've already narrowed down my options for a few part time jobs and they'll be enough for me to afford a decent place."

"You can stay with us, though. This is unnecessary." Audrey protested. "Mom is chill with all this."

"It's still not appropriate for me to keep leeching off you, especially when your mom is in the same house along with your little sister."

Audrey looked at the clock. "Okay, time's almost up. We gotta get back but this conversation is not over."

Liam gave her a knowing smile.

Audrey picked up her jacket and pointed at him as moved towards the door behind Vanessa. "Don't smile like that. I'm really not letting you move out, get it?"

"Go!" Liam shoved her lightly and laughed.


Cedric looked over at the rearview mirror of his car and turned the wheel to the right.

"Are we here?" Vanessa asked from the passenger seat as she looked out at the wide street they entered.


"Aren't we a bit early?"

"Better than being late." He replied as he stopped in front of a vintage mansion.

The cream colored walls were decorated with green vines. The roof was tiled and painted a soothing shade of blue. It gave an expensive and sophisticated aura.

Vanessa looked at the top of the tall trees, behind which the sun seemed to hide.

"It looks so pretty."

"Yeah." Cedric smiled. "Joshua has a taste for gardening."

They both got out and the security let them in easily, quickly recognizing Cedric.

"You seem to be a frequent visitor." Vanessa noted as he took her towards to the back of the house.

"Maybe I am." He looked over his shoulder and said.

They soon reached at the back lawn, filled with soft grass and various types of bushes, flowers pots and a white marble fountain in the center.

It amazed Vanessa. She pictured that as what heaven would look like.

"Cedric!" An old man straightened up from trimming a  perfectly shaped bush. His smile was radiant and reached his eyes.

"You're here, son." He said and passed the scissors to a man in suit beside him.

"Good afternoon, Mr Falls." Cedric bowed his head politely and Vanessa did the same.

He hugged Cedric and then turned to her. "Who's your friend? Is she the Vanessa?"

"She is." Cedric said with a smile.

Vanessa stepped forward and offered her hand. "Nice to meet you."

"Same, lovely child. How about we get inside first?" He guided them in. "Why did you bring her back here before going inside?"

"I knew you'd be here."

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