130. Pitch

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"I'm an excellent pitcher."

"You've never seen me throw a ball."

Albert shook his head. "Look, sweetheart, I'm one of the best, if not the best-"

"I know but nothing guarantees that I can overdo you."

"As much as I'd like everyone to believe that my girlfriend is as good as me, I don't want to lie about it either."

"You can't lie. They'll see for themselves when I throw the first ball."

"I said I'm not letting you. You'll lose me a point-"

"I'll gain you one!" Vanessa insisted. "You'll fail, trust me."

Just then, a young man laughed behind them. "That's some confidence in your man, Vanessa."

She turned and greeted him. "Mike! Hi."

"Hey," the brunette turned to Albert, "I'm Mike, her friend."

"His father owns the hotel chain we frequently stay at." Vanessa added.

They shook hands.

"He hates to inherit the huge wealth, though. Right, Mike?" Vanessa smiled sarcastically.

"Shut up." He playfully shoved her. "Your boyfriend will get a wrong picture."

"Why, why?" Albert asked. "What's this about?"

"Mike doesn't want to inherit the hotels but his family has already made sure he does." Vanessa laughed. "He sulks about it all the time."

"It's not that bad, is it?"

"Trust me, mate," Mike said, "it is."

"We should get going." Vanessa looked at the clock and said. "Before too many paps cover the exit."

"I'll see you at the hotel." Mike said.

"Tonight we'll be going out after the concert. So tomorrow morning?"



Jeff waited below the stage as the music came to a stop and the lights turned off.

The lift came down and everyone made space for the girls to get off.

Jeff ran after them as they ran to their individual curtain rooms.

A few moments later, Vanessa came out stumbling and sat down on the chair set out for her.

Jeff kneeled down and placed a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong?" He yelled over the sound of the people cheering.

She bent over and said, "I almost threw up."

Staff members started fanning her and offered her water but she refused. She took an oxygen can and got up with the help of Jeff.

Clutching the right side of her abdomen, she stumbled till the entrance of the stage where she was met by a surprised Audrey.


"Nothing, just dizzy."

"Have some-"

Vanessa waved her off.

Jeff let go of her when the cue to leave came. Vanessa was on her own now and had to walk up the stairs and perform five more songs.

And she did.


The next day, the girls had an online meeting with their management team.

They explained their tiredness, which was affecting their performances.

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