53. I Am Not His

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Caleb Cherny cheating on girlfriend Vanessa Pierce with Ava Longwood!

Weeks after the American leg of The Americana's world tour came to an end, which also witnessed the end to a romantic trip for Caleb and their opening act's Vanessa.

The 20 and 17 year old haven't publicly announced their relationship but love is hard to hide. They were spotted having a late night date in a bar in Richmond, Virginia a month ago.

After the tour, The Americana decided to have a much earned break with Tyler and Shawn travelling to the Hawaiian islands while Caleb flew to Cuba.

The reason why he didn't join his band mates is now clear: he went with his female companion for a private time.

Caleb was pictured smiling and having a playful conversation with Ava Longwood, a small television actress who is currently starring in the drama In This Life And Next as a supporting actress.

The pair seemed cozy as Caleb hugged the brunette as they watched the sun go down.

Dreamy, isn't it?

Not for Vanessa Pierce; it might be a nightmare. While she is busy at work preparing for the launch of Blue Hearts' remix collaboration with Ethan Parker which comes out this Friday, her boyfriend isn't being supportive!

Poor Vanessa. Hopefully she feels better soon as she has a lot to look forward to in terms of work.

Did you expect their relationship to fall out so soon? Were you shocked by Caleb's unfaithfulness? We hadn't seen it coming from our dreamy green eyed boy. Let us know what your thoughts are!

Audrey returned her phone to her assistant, who looked back at her unsurely.

"I am not showing her this."

Audrey nodded. "Don't worry, I will. Hey Jen, call Tyler please?"

"Now, in the middle of rehearsals?"

"Yes. I'll make it quick."

The ring went on a for a while before Tyler picked up. "Hello?"

"It's me, you read the articles being published about-"

"Caleb and Ava? Yeah."

"What's happening?"

Tyler sighed. "I don't know, to be honest. He's not talking to us."


"Right. We haven't talked in a while."

"What do you mean, not talking?" She went to the corner of the studio.

Liam nudged Jeff. "Who is she talking to?" He nodded at Audrey.

Jeff stared at him. "What do I look like, a mind reader?"

Liam rolled his eyes.

"Shawn and him had a big blowout fight. They were arguing a bit as usual, then somehow Natalie came up and Shawn just bursted out and brought in Vanessa and accused Caleb for being too careless with her and how he caused her trouble-"


"-and that just did it for them. They're not ready to reconcile. Maybe they just need some time apart. Thankfully, all this happened after the tour. Even still, our management is going crazy. I get calls everyday because neither of these d*cks are picking up theirs."

"Oh my God, why are they being so-"

"Dreya!" Vanessa called out from beside Ethan. "Let's start?"

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