120. Nineteen

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Dear diary,

I wonder if I'll read this years down the road and if I'll have the time to do so.

I've decided to have some main events written separately in this book so at least I read you to remember the important days.

That's why the first entry in this new journal is of today.

My nineteenth birthday.

It's around two in the morning, I've just returned from the last day of our rehearsal. It's a nice day to have my birthday.

Mom showed up out of nowhere to surprise me this evening. Can't wait to spend tomorrow with her. Best surprise is already here.

I'll write again tomorrow to see how my day went.

Love, Vanessa.


Vanessa woke up to Jeff knocking on her door.

"Wear this for breakfast today." He handed her a gift that came in from an Australian clothing line.

"But I've already picked out a dress Audrey gave me."

"Hm, wear that for lunch?"


"Also, be sure to sure to receive all calls today? You've switched it off."

"I wasn't able to sleep. It kept ringing!"

"Fine but get it now. I'm getting calls from managers and they're asking me to get back."

The doorbell rang and Audrey shouted from her room. "I'll get it!"

Jeff opened the curtains and raised an eyebrow on the pile of clothes lying on a chair.

"I'll clean it."

He sighed.

"I'll clean it, I swear!" She laughed.

Kylie walked into her room with Audrey behind her.

"Hi, good morning."

"Good morning? That's all?" Vanessa asked.

"Why? It's not a good morning?"

"Ugh," Audrey groaned, "just wish her and be done with it."

"I came to tell you something."

"Ask." Audrey corrected.

"Why would she not agree?"

"You ask people nonetheless, Kylie."

"What?" Vanessa cluelessly asked.

"I got accepted for a movie."

"Really? Wow!"

"I know. Almost a year since I came to America and finally my movie breakthrough."

"That's good news. What won't I agree on?"

"My agency says that I have to make a documentary about my experience."

"And that means the she'll have cameras following her everywhere." Audrey added.

"And they're standing outside right now. Can I let them in?"

"No." Vanessa immediately said. "I don't want cameramen in our house?"

"That's why I said, ask her." Audrey said to Kylie.

"You're okay with this?" Vanessa asked to Audrey.

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