110. Start Of A New Dream

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Langyu is an imaginary country near Korland. The language they speak is called Langyu as well (yep, I took the word from "Language", I'm no namer). I did this to avoid any references to real world countries that aren't even true. You'll know what I'm talking about. Anyway, thanks for reading! Now get on with the chapter!


Kylie woke up alone in her room. She looked at the clock and realised she was half an hour late.

"What the f*ck!" She yelled and quickly jumped off the bed.

She saw her roommate's shoes were already gone and her alarm was turned off.

"She didn't wake me up on purpose! She wants to ruin my most important day!"

Her eyes began to water as she thought of the consequences that could follow with her being late to her first ever audition.

Her phone rang and she picked it up while trying to wear her skirt. "Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry, I'll be down in a few minutes. Yes, we're leaving on time. I promise!"

Her teacher sighed and told her to hurry or they'd leave without her.

Kylie tried to not start crying. She distracted herself from the nervousness, the oversleep, and the roommate betrayal.. and on that day out of all.

When she rushed down to the ground, her teachers gave her a look.

"You don't look pretty at all!"

"Is this what you've learned in grooming class?"

"I'm sorry," she apologized, "I didn't get enough time to get ready-"

"Whatever. It's not like a fresher like you will get in on her first try anyway."

"Exactly." Another teacher added. "We have students with equal power symbols in their family but much more experience."

"My money's on Taani. Her father and the director are childhood friends. She shouldn't even have to audition."

"I was late because of Taani." Kylie stated. "She's always trying to pick fights with me-"

"You still have a lot to learn, Kylie. Everyone in your class is only a year older than you and yet it seems like the difference is five years. Come on, get in."

The school bus took all the children from the academy to the audition center. They were given an early pass due to their affiliations and could directly enter without having to wait in the line.

Kylie spotted Taani ahead of her and thought about confronting her before stopping herself and focusing on the lines that were given to her.

"This is my tenth audition. Yours?" A boy behind her asked.

"First." She replied without looking back.

"Ah. You must be nervous."

"Angry, more like. But okay."

Her turn came soon and she was explained about her task.

She was placed in a group with the two boys behind her. The lines were for an advertisement for an anti-bullying organization.

The kids were given thirty seconds to discuss their roles and plan their skit with the lines.

Having a little experience in getting bullied, Kylie managed to tap into her emotions as she pleaded to a camera to listen to the silent words that are never spoken.

She was the only one in her group who passed.

The boy behind her congratulated her.

"Thanks. Make your eleventh time your last."

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