101. Family Vs Family

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"Jeff, can I talk to you for a sec?"

"Why, did something go wrong with the rehears-"

"No, no. It's not about work. It's about Mason. You know my friend from-"

"Sorry, Audrey. I've got to check up with the caterers."


"Maybe later? Also, call your mother. She called me to tell you that."

Audrey frowned as Jeff turned around the corner without letting her speak.

She called Kristen in a daze.

"Hi, Audrey. How's your day?"

"Mom, why did you call Jeff instead of me?"

"I thought you'd be busy and he'll just rely my message when you're done."

"Jeff is as busy as us, Mom. You could've dropped me a text."

"Oh. Yeah. I-I don't know why it didn't occur to me."

Audrey huffed.

"Vanessa called last night. She said you two had a fight?"

"Of course she told you that. I can't even count the number of times I've asked her not to tell you every little thing that happens to her."

"Why, I'd like to know all of it."

Audrey rolled her eyes. "She isn't mature then."

"I'd say she's enough for her age. Look where kids her age are and where-"

"Seriously, everybody needs to stop feeding her that. It'll inflate her ego. Where she's at in life is not a sign of her level of maturity. Monica Heart seemed mature to me, trust me, up close, she's not. Sometimes things just get handed to you and they make you immature because you didn't earn them."

"Vanessa did earn it, Audrey. She went through a lot."

Audrey sighed. "Let's not argue over this. You won't see things from my level and I won't yours, no matter how much we try to explain one another. Though I wish it wasn't like that. I'd like us to think the same."

"Are you having a bad day? I'm sure your voice doesn't sound defeated just because of this conversation."

"No, I'm fine. Have you talked with Paul about Kylie? She's his daughter as well, you should consult him."

"What do I consult?"

"Whether Kylie comes here. The agency is ready to sign her, correct?"

"Yes but the decision was obvious all along. Even Vanessa and Jake said no."


"Yeah, Kylie's been throwing tantrums. More often that before."

"Obviously, even I would. Mom, are you really not sending her here? Those auditions are hard to get through. If she did, she has a big chance!"

Kristen sighed. "I don't know, Audrey. I see both the sides. She's young-"

"We're here with her. This is how you start."

"I get that, even Vanessa was too young when I agreed to send her."


"But any time I bring this up, everyone freaks out and shuts me up."

"So you, Kylie - who is the one going - and I say yes but Vanessa and Jake say no. You have more authority than the kids."

"I think Paul won't like this either."

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